Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

of thoughts. . 23ding~- .·. Su~-h , are··· ·our . · ·thoug-hts am·ong other :e~ . vi lis whieh are ~fa id to : COfne fJUt of tht · het~rt, . Mark. 7.. 2 2. 4pt:.~~vu : is rec- " k·oried as orre, ftolijh~~:ejfe, · that is, th.~uglfts that , fuchas mad men have, a-nd fooles,nothing -to the pur- . ·. pofe, of Whic-h there can be ·n1ade no ufe!) w~ich a man kno\ves not'··whence they fhould coinC, nor ~ .vvhifher they ·wdu ld,with~ ottt dcpenddnce. · · · '- . 4·· ~t : is put for !neon- · jlancy, and frttilty, there– _\fOre Vanity and ajlwl1w \are !}lade synenomdes, P fa. !144~ 4· fuch are our . tho:tghts, fli1;ting and peri– fl1ing,Las bubbles:P[.146.4 · 0 All t·heir tbottghts p-ertjb. . . ·t·'t ftl ~, . . . l.f.. ,&. ... J. - · - ·. .. ~ -•r- r;;a;- z