Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

. I ----- ---------------- .. 1 3· Theyare to bee repented1{, yea r~peata~ce is cxpre.ffed, as to begin at them.SoE.foy 5J,7.Lett11e snrightetJtN 11/'Jttn forfake his th-oughts ;and is ne– ver truly and throughly wrought,on, (as2 Cor.Io. - 4·, 5, tiU ~every thought h~e !JroNght inta shedience; which argu~s that they are nat\lrally r.eb·ellious ., and contrary t~ grace. And this alfo argueth the Power·ofgrace,which is a- . ble to r.ule, and to fubdue fo ,.great an_Army_ ·as our thonghts are, and corn.: mand themall, as oneday .. ·itwilldoe, whcn,weeare . perfeQ:ly.holy ( . 4· Tliey 1eftlt .. 111ttn: · wh1ch d~fil but. - fin ,e ..._-='";ny- 1 11 - · · . . · ' ' F? .. z • • . _ J _ z t z t 4 s a .. ~ f