Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

~r th~pg.hts. ~---- ~-- ----~ in him heavenly medita~ tions , as we may fe~ ~. tl1roughout ·- the whole _Gofpels:when he cameby a well, hee-fpeal(~~ of the' ; Wttter 1[ lift, John 4 1 &c. · ~any· in·ftances might bee · given·; He-in-his-thoughts _ · tranflated the, book ofthe creatures, into the book~ , ofgrace,andfod·idAtlams- : h~a:rt irr .innocen£y· ~ his I • l'hilo(or!Uie mighr b~ truly : ternnecl Divintty, .becaufe · . ·ae faw God in all ; all rai- . f~d ~1p his·heart to tl1ank– . fu!neffe andpraife:Sonow · inJikemann-er our mindes 3 ·_ fo farre as they arefan&i:: fied,willdoe. As ·the Pm– lofophers flone turries all - Metals into Gold ; As . , theBee fuckes honey 'o.ut rt c 4 of ' I