Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

Tht' va;nitie ·ef thoughts, Ecclef ; . 12. 1 So , ' tO · devi(e fro~~trd things· , .Solomon fayes, Pr8V, I6. 30, Tllttt A man jhutis hiseyes, that is,js·ex .. ce·eding attentive_, potet~4 t upon his plots ;, for·fo a man doth ufe ro do,to fi1ut his eyes \V hen hee would' l be·int~flr, and rJ]e~efore it. I isfo cxpretfed. :Bur n·ow '· 1ettl1eminde .be occupi~cf . and bufted ·about good . things,,and things befang- : . ing to our peace, ho\v~ tul- '. fteady is it'!' which things : fl1ould yet draw out \the · intention of the 1ninde : 1 ··For the more excellent [ the obje& is, the 11:ronger l our intention '!hould bee. ~ God is the mofl: glorious 1 l object.our. n1inde:s can .fa2.l · · fie . ----. ''\ . \