Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

ibould have been·theught of, will then come in, or what will affett a man· much ·comes in to divert him, · T'his mif}lllcing of th.~ughts (fuppofe theybe good) is Y"t fretn avanity of the miodr3 did I thofe .thoughts come at another time, they fhoulq be wel- .come: we finde our minds ready fo fpend thoughts . about any thing_, rather than what God at prefent calls unto. , Wlien we go to aS·erJl'!on,we finde,wee could then fpend · our , thoughts more willin~~y about rceading~ or happily fearching our hearts;unte whieh at another timr' . wheQ calrd to , it' weeo fhould .bem.oft unw~lliqg 1· , · · to . . - I