Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

ofthoughts. - to. V'l-ecould be conten~ 1 to run wild .. over th~ fields ofmeditations & mifcet. ianiou~ thoughts, though about good, ra~her than to bee tyed to th?t taske :~ and kept in ose fet path. . -. In ,_Adam \and Chrifr Ino thought was ·mifpla– /ced, but though theyWere as m~tny as theStarres, .yet they marched in their cot~r[es, and ktpt their , ranks. Butours, as Mete– ors, d~nce up and downe in us. And thisdi(order is avanity.andflnne, · bcf the thougbt materiall_y never fo good. ,Not, /every,\one that hath the- befl: part mull: therefore firft ftcp' up the Stage to ~Cl: , but take his right .. cue. In D Pxin- l ' I 49 I