Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

· The vanitie ~~-~-------------~-- - 17.24· ~ fo~les eyes are . in the enJs ~fthe ettrth>are garifu, a-nd runne up and downe fr9m one c:nd of the earth to the ·other, fuooting and fi:reaming,as thofe . Meteors .you fee . fometimes in the ayre. And though indeed 1he minde of man is nimble and able thus to run fro111 one end of the earth to another·, (which is its . ll:rength and excellency) yet God would not hav~ this firength and nimbler,.efle, and mctall-fpirit in curvetting and tumbling, (as I ma-y call .it) but in fieady direCl:ing all our, thoughts fl:raight on to his glo.ry , our owne falvati– on ~ and the good of o- ~ · tbers· 1 . ' ' .+ }