Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

__ ,(thoughts._-.;.._\ 53 ·thers; he gave it this.nin1- - · blene!fe to turn~ away . _ . · from evill,and the firfl:ap– pearance ofit. As v;~are ro·walke in Gods ·wayes _ hee ·calls tis /to, fo every· thqught, as well as every altion is a fl:ep ~~andtherefore ought to bee fieady, MAke jlrAigktfteps to Jour feet., fayes the Apoll: le) Htbr. rz. ·13. turning not to the right hand, nor to the lefr, untill wecon1e .to the journeys end of · that bufineffe wee are to \ thinkof.Butourth0ughts, , atbeft,_ areas wanton Spa– niels, who though indeed theygo with,;ndaccom~ _ ·pany their Mafter ·, an~ . _. ·cotne to their )our11eys · _, end vvith\ ·hi~ in the end, D 3 ~Yet ·