Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

'mOrt _ ,. .... . 54 ·The vllnitie . >G · l f . !'i .........,__ yet dOe runne. after every · . . . ~ Bird, and w1Idly ·purfue ' '.r every flock of :lhdeep!.hey ~· fee. This unfiea ine11e, it , ·.( ~ .arifcth ·from the likecurfe f ! -on the minde of Man, as 1 jwas onCaine, that-it be:ing J' ,j- • dri(/)en ftDm the prefence ef l 'lbe Lord, it proves avagal. bond~ and fi mens 'l~s ~re ~ in the ends of the e'!ttk. · This foolilhnteife or ~~rod-u~, is alfo feene in that _lndepe~Je»ue -in our .·. ~ thoughts ; they hanging ofc together as, ropes of , fand ; this we fee more e- .vidently-in dreantes : And ,not onely then, but 'vhen, ·awakealfo, and thAt, when we would.fet our felve:s to ·, be moft ferious, how dee our thoughts jangle ~nd ==~~~~~- ~. ~- ~- ~~~--r-ln~ ·