Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

--------------......-- ....,.__ __ ing to be fed with, and to know ( ,and then delight- , ing to thinke of) things that donot at all coneerne _us. T ake an experiment ' ~fthis inSchollers(whofe-_ chiefe worke lyes in this– {ho · ) how,many precious · thoughts ·are -fpent th-is _\V ay ~ as in ·,curiofitie of . },nowled,ge , as appeares– hy thofe the Apofile of- - ten rebukes,that affett,as ~ I :Tim. 6.4,20. oppofltions qf fcience ·falfely (o c~!l' et' curiofities of kno,wledge ' ,of things ·they htt~e ·not {eene. So col~ 2. and _- r,·Ti?n. 4· 7~ he calls fucl1 ~i!fues of .mens braines, \they dote®old wives fa:- , , b/es-.;- becaufe as fable~~ Rleafe old wives, fo doe · · , thefe I