Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

6fThe vd.nitte· ---l -----------.---- thefe their mindes, and of ·· # that itch they ltlve i? · . them , even as women vvith child; in tl1tir Iong– ings, content not them felves with what theplace · affords,or the feaf0n, vv:~ th . . what may_behad; but ef .. , ten long after fame un. ,· heard ofrar~ty, far fetcht, .·.or,.it may be,not at all to · bee.had : T.hus tnen not ~ contenting themfelves , with the \Vonders ofGod difcevered in the .depth ofhis Word and Works, . they will I~unch into ano- . ther Sea;. and \vorld of their owt:te making) and there they· layle \Vith pleafure, as many of the I : Schoole--men did in.fGn1e . Ot . their fpecuJtttlOflS , • .r. . f) Iptn. .... 1 b _... · • a~