Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

Df thoughts.· 6) _,_--...,,_______,1--- / fpending their pretious I ~its in framing. curious , webs out of their ·owne . bowels. ~ Take another inftarice alfo inothers, who have leifure and parts to read much, they fhould ballafi their hearts with the ·Word, and take/in_thofe more prctious words of wifdome_and found kno'\v- ..l~_dge ~opr.ofit themfc:lves and others , and to build up their owne foules, and whereby theyn1aybe &en~ abled to ferve their 1 Country : but now .-vvhat ; doe their curious fancies--! ' I ~arry them unto, to bee ! verfed in,but Play-books, l jearing Pafquils, Roman- l {es_,. faine~ ftayes, lvhich , '. - · are· )