Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

. ' ·ften after all thenevts that ~-~ flies up and dewne the ·· \vorId, fcuin all the ·froth . ·that floats in · f~llih mens mouths, an~/pleafe them– f~lves onelywith talking, . thinking , and hearing · ofit. , · I doe not condemne all - herein : fom~ their ·ends are good , and they can · makeufeof it) and doe as - Nehemit~h did, who inqui– red how things went at Jerufolem, to rejoyce with . Gods people,and mourne vvith then1, and pray for them , and to know ·how · to faf11ion their prayers accordingly. But I con- . d.emne that curi0us itch. that is in men, .when it is · done, but me er1yto pl~afe• · ·their ,