Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

/ , -72 · The vttnitie . I --- For example~ would a man rife!' h_is thoughtsflu– dy theart ofit,menframe their .owne , ladder to· climbe · withal! , invent wayes how to doe it , thoughoften it proves ;:ts . to HamAn their own Gal– lows~ would they be.e rich'! what doe tney ftu– dy1 even all -cheats and trick~ on the Cards, (as I ·ma:y fo fpeake) that -is, all · the' cunning tricks of the . world, all the waies of 1 oppreffing , defrauding_, . . a~d , ·going beyond their . brethren,fo topac¥things in all th~ir dealings, tl1at , they themfelve.s fhall bee the winners , and thofe that deaie with them,· the lqfers, !fay 32 . 7· It is •• ·faid. ·