Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

.the Cwents t{the rBGOke•. He Heartcompared ta a J/<Jufo tJfcom-· . 11J014·refart, · · pag.r,i The Heart muft bew~t{ht;notfweptonly3,t Wee mull: not lye downe wich uncle4J1e· Thoughts, . 5)~ rhe 'vanity ofour Thoughts, _ v,s h~t is mean~by Thought~, 8,,,I:z.,.!3' t > e1r Frame>or now concet.ved, 1 r,r6 henours.,&net the l)evils,_·'J6, r7,18,r9 \V evillT.~or:tghts oft-tin1es are punifh– ments0f the qegleOt ofdur Tboughti'J . I2.I9,&C. Vanity what) 3D~ boWdiverfly taken, . !C) x. For un~riJfittthlenejJ~. t<D-;:z.r '• F&r !Jghtneffe, 22.,13 3 FerPoi!J, ~· ·· .. .·'-3 4· For in~pnfltincyand .fr.ttil!J; 13,14 1. ·For wiek!dnelfe and ftnfulne./Je, . 2 4 '!houghts arejJns; . : ~) ; . f r-,.The LawJUdg~t!h them fo,} · 1 ~ ·hey are c~pa~le efpar~o. :&) 3. Theyareto he tepcnfed.of, '1' · r.l~eafons · 4 .T~ey defil~_ th.e n1ao, · · 16/1..1 for it. .r.'Phey are ab~minable to the . I.o1~d, .- 2.1 . d. Theyhinder all geod'; 2-7,28 • 7. Theyareth~ firAmotieners of {. all evill, ' 18,t9 ::==- .... ,.....,..,..._ -·-=-.......-. ..:..:A:~ . A 7 I