Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

, . ~-·-- . ---e~r-r---~-~ ·~· -·~------- I' ', The vanitie of111eafures, and att~ng o– ver of11nhes th~ minde of · man is full of, as willap~ peare ir' many particu– . lars~. ·. I~irfi, lookewhatcom– forts men have al pre(ent ; in their poifeffion,· and at command, 'vhat .excclle»– cies_er endowments men love to be a!one t:o ftudy, and thinke of them, and .. ·when they aFe fequefired f~om the prefel)t ufa of ·. them, yet they will then .bQe ag.aine and ·againe re– counting and cafiing of themup!) taking a· furvey of their happines in them, applauding their owne hearts in their conditions. A,ndas rich-men,that love _money,Iove tobe looking a· 0 , ,