Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

. of th·ouglvts. ------ ~--~ ~~ on it; 'and telling it ever ; ·fo do tnen to be fummipg · . up-theircomforts and pri– vlledges they enjoy ·, which o~hers want; -as; .·ho\v rich,they are, ho\v . ·great, ho\v they ·excell o~ , thers in parts· and ·gifcs, · &c. Ohhow muchofthat . prcztious· fand : of our : t~oughts runn~ - out this· ·way ! ·Thus·he1n the Go.: ~ .fpel1, . he ·ke.cpes an audit in hi~- heart ·; So1~le (faith he) tlio.u·haft goods laid up ·' . for man_y y ·~Ares ~ So-Ha..: . .1/Jftn. Eft er 5. -1 I, takes an Inventoryof his honours -: and goods, he talk1 es ef ·att ' the glfJry ofhis riches 1 ttnd A-0 the thtngs whereirJ'·the I(ing ~ad promot~d him: · S1 ·Nebuuhadnezz~r Dan . . . . ' ' . E) . 4o ~ ' ,