Goodwin - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1535.P9 G5 1637

The- vttnitie4·3o. ?S it-may feenle, he ·was -alone walking and I "'" talkingto ~ hi~fe.lfe, like~ , ,: -- foole; faying t9him-felfe ; :! ,Is not thiJ the great Babel which I have htJilt IJy t!Je .might ef my pr;wer., for _ the gl1ry of my c..M'ai:fty. . , And as thus npon t beir 'conJforts ,, fo alfo upon 1 their excellencies!) their , · learning~ \vifdome, parts, l ~ &c. -Men love to ,.tland 1 looki9gupon thefc in t:he ·g1a!f~ of their owne fp-~- . ·culation ; . as faire. . fa- · I - ces . love to looke ofren '1.1: and long in _Looking- {. ~~ &lalfcs, which,as it arifeth. ,H !rom that fdf-Rattery is ._ 1 !, 1 1n men; fo alfo .that they \ i \: might keepe their happit ' 1 '\;~ 1 • . nefTe l - ·~ i I i' ·--~- -- .doL • . ~ • • . ·--·. • , ~~~__,..., ......._ lh .... ~~:it ::;:z::;:o:a::; J==::t=>ttz~a::c;s• * ::. ....