Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

A SERMON on and they with the eJ<ecution of Laws; and do it with God's zeal, as PhitJtas dld, (that IS, With gncf and mdignauoa that God IS. fo dilhonoured fo f thofe two aftedions I> ~eal a compound,.M,zrk ?· 5. as appears by Chrifi'the:e ~) God, he llwuld not need to be funous; PhintM (faith he) .hath tzmud aw:, my wrath, whtljl ht wM zealour wub my zeal amongf1them M 1 m6 25 ry However, if you be fo, yet wirh you God will make a Covenan;,. as wi;h Ph:: '""'there, That he mid hM Pojlentyjhot~ld co11tirme, as they did in all the evils and troubles that befel the Natwn of the Jrws till Cbrifl's time, and rubb'd through the Ba6ylonijh Captivity and all. Ezrawas of his Race, Ezr, 7 .·,, 5 . and fared and fcaped as wdl1hen as any other. And though we have not fucb. pubhck Call!ngs and Spmts as he then, yet fo far as our Commiilion reacheth let us exercife and lhew the liketo the full, rhrufi Javelins through mens heart; by Reproofs, reform our Families, and thofe we have aurhoriry over; and con– tend with all the World by keepmg the Law, as Solomou fpeaks Prov 2 g 4 Putting btiquity far from our Tabernacle, as they exhort, Job 2;. 23 . with ;hi~ Promife, v .2g. Wbm others are ea(/ down, thou jbalt Jay thtre is lifti 11 g ttp God will remember rhee (a~goodNehrmiah prays in his lafi Chapter) forrhy Z ratfor God. Bur above all, my Brethren, be now zealotU of good works, as the Apoftle fpeaks 2 '!it, '4• Gree~y devourers of all the duties of New obedience, abound– ing more m all th<: fruitS and works of R1ghreoufnefs. You that have wrought hM .'111dgments, fates the Prophet h_ere,fuk Rtghteoufoefs; that is, flill and more than ever. Whatever part of Rtghreoufnefs you before were confciooable in"' fer upon rr afrelh, as if you had done nothing yet. · Mend your pace rhey are nor hours to fiand flill in. After John in the Revett~tion had decl;red what terrible things were to come on rhe World, the ufe he makes in the conclufion is, rhat rhe Righteotu 6e mort.righttotu. . _ To infiance inCome particulars, flill enforcing them upon rhe fame ground-. You that have fearched your hearts heretofore, Search,and fearch again· 'lis rhe exhortation in the Text, enforced with this motive, v.11. of the firfi Chap– ter, for God comes to Jtarch .!ertt{alem with Ca11dles, whrn he comes topumjb. Prevent God's Searching. If a man can drefs and fearch a wound himfelf, 'tis lcfs pain to him, than to have the genrlefi Chirurgeon. You th1t have watch'd over your corrupt hearts and difpolitions afore, do ir now more than ever. It is Chrifi's Motive againfi fuch times as thefe, Ltde 21. 34,36. Take hud /ef1 your bearts br overcharged, and over·run with any forts of Lufis; but watch therefore aud prqy a/waits, thatyou may 6t accomtted worthy to tjcape aft tho(e tbi11gs that {hatlcomt to pa[s, v. 36. In Revel. 16. when rhe Si>:lh Vial is poured our, and that great and lafi Battel is fought, wherein .A11tichrif1 i! to be deflroyed; before that great overthrow under the Seve.'tth, there is a Caveat given which perfonally may and doth, for ought I !wow, concern men living i~ rhis Age, (and 'tis put in by way of Parenthefis) Bleffid is be t,hat watcheth, aud kttps his Garments; that watcheth over Cor– ruptions, fuffers not them, as theTares, to grow whilfi he lleeps; that watch– eth, and fuffers not Graces, and the flame of them to die, as the Virgins did whilfi they llept. · You that have been fruitful in good Speeches and heavenly Thoughts, out of the abundance of which the Mouth fpeaks; be more fruitful Malmh. ?·'6, 17, 18. Verfes, and beginning of the 4thChapter compared, who were tl1ey that were (pared in rhe day when the wrath of God 6tJrt!/ M an Ovm, others as Stu661t, as in the beginning of the 4th Chapter; but they that fpake of it one to another in Evil time1 before, and that tbot~ght11po11 his ttame, v.1 6. Thm,f!!c. You may fee what Times they \!>ere; in the Verfes before, Them (fays God) I willfpart,a<ammzj'partshis Sol!. You that have thought much of him be– fore, he will then think of you, and then you lhall difcern between the Righ– teo<u and the Wtcktd; a great and a broad difference God will then put. You that have fandified rhe Sa66atb flridly, and fought God upon your Fafi– J,zie.< diligently, and made Confcience of humbling your fclves throughly, do fo I\ill; for fee what comfortable Promifes you Joy up for your fclves, and your Poflcrity againrt the Evil day. ljai.58. wh~re he exhort• to a through obfervar!On