ZEPH. Il.r,:J,3· fcrvation of both; atv. r r. Godjb,,ltgttidetheecontinutJIIy; and in Evil times .a man had need of God's guidance, to lead and difpofe of him into ways and places, and conditions of tafcty and deliverance, wluch all the W1t of the world cannot do : and, he jbalt j<.tt<fie II!J Soul in drought, when all Comforts without fail, as you know not how foon they will; and thou fbatl bt Idee" water'd Gar– dm, mid a Sprir1g of water whoje Watersj(Jit not. And at v. r 2. Thy Pofiertty jhrdt 6"itcl the Otdwafleplaces, that is, the dcfolations of the Church ; whrch fuppofe it be not done in thy daies, yet thy Children haply Oull be great Mafier– builders of it for time to come, and thy Prayers put up at fuch times ihall lay a foundation for a fettled condition of the Church for many Generations; as our M,;rtyrs did of ours by their Prayers and Sujj<rings. And all this Promife is made to firi<'.l: fan<'.l:ifying of Fafls and of the Sa66ath– drry,wbich are called Sabbaths, becaufe to be kept holy as Sabbaths are; fo in the Verfes before and atierv,t ~.And if F'tlfis are to be kept fo firie!ly,then StJ66m lu as firictly, for that is the Regttla and Primum in iflo gmere, as appears by the fourth Commandement, Keep holy the Seventh day, that is Prtmum, and therefore R egula rrltquorum ; and fo is to be kept as firi<'.l:ly as Fafis are. Though indeed Th!1ttJjgivi11g is more to abound in the one, H11miliatio1J in the other; yet not to fpeak our own words, or take our own pleafure, &c. in both. For equal it was, that if they kept not the s ,,J,bath,the Land !hould not keep her Inhabitants, Lev.?.6.J4,~)· and they infiead of re(ling !hould then find trouble; · whereas Jer.17.24 1 2), if they would notprophane ir, God fays, the City{hotlld Jia11dfor tvtr. • Be cxceedir,g converfant with the Word of God, in reading, meditating, and applying it to your hearts; get as much of the engrafted Word into your hearts, turn'd and digefied into pure Grace and Strength, and likenefs thereunto; Pray it ·as much into your hearts afore-hand as ever you can , there may come a dear year of it all the World over, you know not how foon; therefore as the Angel faid to Etijah, Eat again, and again, for you may have a long while for to go in the firength of what you get now before-hand. Let the Word dwelt nchlym you, as CotojJ. ~· •6. furniil1 your felves with as much of that precious Treafure as you can, for a little Money will not carry you through a long Journey, but will foon be fpent, Only trua it not in the Purfes of your Memories or Brains, but lay it up in your hearts, and believe it Brethren, you cannot be robb'd of it. Acquaint your felves much with it, and be familiarly converfaot in it now, as God comrrtands in 'Deut.6. 7• .Andthoujhatt ttacb them dtltge11tly u11to thy Bre– tbrm, rmd(halt talk of them when thoujitttfi ;, thine houje, ~c. and anfwera.– bly it will be a confiant and familiar Companion with thee, and be familiar to thee in all the Evils that thou ihalt meet withal. Prov. 6.1.2. Whm thougoefl it jhall ltad thee,rmdguide tha into waits Of Peace aud Safe&)•. When thou ileep– efi, and art in any danger, it ilia!I keep and preferve thee, and when thou awa– ke!\ it ihall talk with thee , be familiar to thee, yea, and in all difirelfes comfort thee. Pfat.''9·92· 'Davidvows he had periil1ed long ere this, if God's Law had not been his delight, And all outward Evils will but make it the fweeter. I ThtfJt. 6. They t·emved the Word i11 much a./fl4f!io11, with joy of the Holy Ghof/. • Yea, and this will be an Argument and Motive to God to fpare thee, when he cuts off others; and fo Jeremy ufeth it,Chap.I).'U. I I" ,16. among other Motives, why God 010uld not take him away, butremember him, v. '5· (as in the uth vtrfe he promifeth to do,) Thy words (faith be) wtrt {ou11d, and I did eat tbem, a11dthyWordwM rmto me tht joy a11d rtjoycit~goj my heart. Andfoin Job n,and 29. compared, Receivt I pray thte the Lawfrom hi. mouth,andJay ttp his words i11 thttu heart; and among other Promifes in the 2)th verfe, &c. this is one at the 29th, Whm "'"'art cafi dow11 thottjbalt frry, Thrre u hfting up, namely for thee. Becaufe Jojiab had a melting heart at the reading the Law, therefore God brought it not in his daies, ~ Ki11g. 22.u.I')· Do as much as thou can a to others, and ufe all the abilities and opvorrunities God hath put into thy band to the utmofi advantage to do good to mens Souls. Ht6.Jo.2). Exhorting otJe m1other, and {o11mch tht mo,.e M ; ·ou Jte the day ap. proachi11g. Thofe efpecially that are near to thee, by getting them imo Chrifi Z ~ before 171