A SERMON on before the evil day comes and curs them off in their fins, warning them ro fave themfelves from this frow ard generation, in AEis 2 . that is the common de– llruchon and general defolation that will bef•l this Generation if we turn not . efpecially) our c.hildren, Kindred, Friends, <pm. I )I· I2, I 4· when Sodom was t~ be dellroyed; fatd the Angel to Lot, liajl thou here any 6ej1des So11s i11 Law t:!Jc and Lot wen111p a11d jpake to hi< So11s in Law, t§c. but he feemed as if he 'had mocked; though it took no effeCl:,yet therein he difcharged his duty, If thou canll bur get thy Friends or any of thy Children into Chrill then thou neede!l be no more (o!icitous for them, for God is bound to take care' for them and will do; come what times will come they are well enough then. ' Do good alfo with thy ellate, to the bodies of men, efpecially the Sa ints· and for the propagation of the Gofpel and good of the Church. It is a thing j find enforced by J'olomo11upon this very ground alfo, Eclef. I I . 2. Ca(l thy bread 11 p. 011 the Wtltrrs,givt a portton tojevm t<nd alfo:o nght, f or thouhJoWej/1Jot w hat evtlfb.d/ 6e ttpo11 the Earth ; he exhorts to tlus, you fee m ev1l times· and the motiVe is rational and !\rang if we take in that alfo in the former ver.' That ; 11 ma11y d11ys ht Jhalt find it, a11d th,lt he that dothgood w ith his jiJbj/ance lends to 1he L ord, Prov . 19. 1 7· For firll, Then he difpofeth it himfelf; whereas otherwife the Enemy that comes and takes all away may be his executor, for ought he know. Secondly, He gives it to the Lord,that gave him it at the firfr, and he had better and {hallltave more comfort that he hath his goods then th'ey. . But Thirdly, He doth not give it area!\ it away, as yet in the firfr words Solo• mo11 fpeaks ro Jhew what freenefs firould be in the Donor, but he lends it to the Lord;. who after many days will return it again.A,nd that when evil times come, when thou {halt have moll need of it; and thou ha!\ not mens Bonds for ·it but God's alfo. Who is their furety. · To conclude therefore this part of the exhortation to abound in all thefe and the like praCl:ices of Righreoufnefs of what kind foever, With thefe general confidcrations to quicken you thereto. 'Work as hard as you can whil!l you may. For, Firll, Believe it there is nothing here in this Wqrld defirable but to have Abi– lity, Opportunity,and a heart to do God fervice. Eclej. 3· 12. There i s 110 good m them, fpeaking of all things here below ; 6tJt for a mm• to re}O)'ct mid to dogood i1hi< life. Secondly, Conllder that every one of you have fame work to do. You are fomeway to be profitable to God and Men, in the duties of your Calling and Ta– lents committed to you, and duties of Religion; and all this worlt is to be done whilft it is day. John 9· + I muj/work ihe work God j'ent me to do whilflu it da;·; God appointed his own Son work, and this made him abundant in it, be– caufe he could work only whilll it was day ; God had befpoke a great deal of work, and but a little time allotted for it,therefore our Saviour hallned the more to get it done before Candle-light; he that made the firll day, and wu s Lord of Time, mu!\ yet take his opportunity. Now there was an hour of darknefs a . e<iming as he tells the Pharifus, L ukt 22. 53· when they attack'd him fir!\; this is your hour and the power of darkneJs, when they were to do their works ;. and fo Chri!l mull ceafe to do his. Now that which was Chrill's cafe is ours alfo; For w hen t he 11ight comes fay s he in the next words, 10mmt can work; as P}al. 1 0 4 · 23 . Mat~goethforthtmto huwork, a11d tohislabour, 1111titl the ev(llwg; for then the bealls go forth to raven, as there. Now Thirdly , Befides that Death feifeth upon all, Years of darknefs, and tho(e mm!)' , as Solot1iOTl fl)'S, Ec!ef. • 1. 8. t here are Hours of darknefs to the Church of God, when rhe enemies thereof as the Pharzfres of oJd have the Power in their hands; fo as then no man can work, or if he doth but a little; as in days of Popery, whe.n no man might buy or fell that would not receive the m"k of the beall. Revel.q.17. and it is to be feared, that there JS yet an hour of Temptation, nod the power of darknefs a coming over rhe World; as fame interpret that place, Rfvel. 3• 1 o. when the Witnetfes {hall be llaio, R~vel. sx. _ · Popery