Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

Popery may have a reviving as Heatheanifm had after ConjltJmilu's Reformation, in ']rdw's time 6o. years alter; and then ir will prove a trme of fufferina rather t!Hn doing, ·your 010p-windows will then be !hut, the night may corn~ when none can w<>rk, or if they do, do only work within doors; for your hearts may pray, let the Enemies do what they will or can. Therefore let us now befiir our felvcs and do good whiHl we have time; (as the Al'oflle's exhortation is, Gat, 6. ro.) acd indeed opportunity. The Devil the !boner time he thinks he bath, indeed rageth the more, Revel, 12. 12. FtU efl t!i ab hojle doceri, learn this .oi your Enemy, r Cor.7. 29. {peaking of times of perfecution, as appears by the 26. ver, Brethre11 fays he, thttime ufbort, thaefore ujrthr World tU l(joll u– Jed it not,for you know nor how long time you have ro enjoy ir; Like Travellers ifthey fear night draws on,they put fpurs to their Horfe and ride away the fafler, fo do you. Bu.t fourthly, Confider that you may be cut off among others, the befl may ; now itJ the Grav e there is 110 work fr!Ys So!omo11, Eclej. 9· ro. and therefore do what thou doll: with all thy might; and as fpeedily rid as much work as thou canfl. It will grieve you to die and to have brought no more glory to God, to ha ve (ow– ed no more Seed to the Spirit, which you might reap in Heaven; to be he\\n down with fo many Leaves and little Fruit and that not ripe; mony budds of good purpofes of being more zealous fcarce brought inro act. Therefore fall to work and beflir your felves, if you die how can you die bet– ter than fo doing; Bteffid is he whom his Ma(/er finds fo doi11g. This will make you ripe ood loaden with Eares againfl the S1ckte comes; and when you have . done your \fOrk you may fay with Patt!, I h.:we fini/hed my courfe; no matter if you be cut off, you then will glorify God in your·dpths, and be Velfels prepa– red for glory, as SJints are, Rom. 9· 25. as therefore good houfwives fcour and make bright their Velfels agaiofl fome great day; fo do you agarnfl the day of the Lord, That you be meet; as the Phrafe is, 1 Cot, 12, To partake of the In– heritance of the Sai11ts i11 tight, as therefore Peter exhorts, 2 Pet, 1. from )· to 12• ./lddgr.1ce to grace a11d aboundtoo, fo fbatlyott makeyour Eteflio1lJure, andwhmyotecometoduabttnda11tmtra1lcewitt6e made into the Ki11gdomof Jejzu Chn(/; you 01all not fcarcely be faved, creep through a narrow hole have much adoe; but a large way an abundant entrance lhall be opened for you. The lafl thing is to feek Meek11e[s, which is a contentednefs to be difpofed of by God either in doing or fuffering his will without murmuring or repining; fuch aswasfeen in old bti, in r Sam. 5· r8, and in the Churcb when underthe greatefl and forefl prelfures, Lammtations ?· 26, 27, 1.8, 29, to the ?r. anq exprelfed there by quiet waiting, bearing the Yoke, fitting alone; a meek perfon is filent, hath his mouth flopt, nothing to complain ot; becaufe he hath laid 1t · as orhers read it upon him; going alone to meditate of and .mourn for "his fins, puts his mouth in the dufl,and gives his cheek to him that reproacheth him,take$ · it patiently, and as·it is LevJI. 26 4t. accept his ptmifbmem, which is alfo joyned with a conflant cleaving to God notwithflanding all he lays on him ; as the Church, Pf:44·' 7· to the 20: .lltt this is come 11pon zu,yet have we 110t forgottni thee, tlflther have we dealt j a!J& i11thy covma11t, Our heart is 11ot turned back : 11either have ourj/eps dectmdfrom thy Wt~J'· Though tho11 haf1 (ore brokenur ;,. the plflct of'Dragons, -'1/ld covered zu with thefbadow ofdeath.!{ we haveforgot– "" the 11ame of ostr God, or(/retched out our hmtds.tq ajlra11ge God, They forfook him not nor did deal falily in his Covenant, though thou haft fore broken zu, (!)c. And this difpnotion arifcth out of Two thing•. Firfl, A through conviction of • man's lins, and the offence io God in them, a!7d obnoxioufnefs and defervednefs to be defiroycd for them. So the Church Mich. 7· 7· I wilt bear the indig11atio11 of the Lord, btcaufe I have finned agai11(1 h1m; and the Church in Lammt.j. 59· Wlurefore (fays fhe)fbo~t!damml compte~itt or murmur for the psmijhmmt of his jirJS, as being • mofl abfurd and uncomly thing, that a man that is fo obnoxious fhould thi.nk much to be cor– rected; as if a Thief that deferved hanging, 010uld complain of being burnt in the hand. Efpecially when one confiders; as Ezr<~ 9·'3· that Gvdpum{brth lefi tha11 a mml de{erves. , . Secondly,