Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to rhe E PH E SI AN S. 79 ---- which I forecited; Thefr, fays he, I have refrrved to my f.t!f, whiil1 he left the ,...._,._,., _ refi unto the wor0 1 ipping of Raal; but thefe I have refervcd to cleave unro, Serm. V I• and wodhip me ih purit) and in truth. And befides wha; IS here, Heaven is an VY'V everlafiing perpetual worlh1p of Odd. Thus alfo m~.wl s mfiance, Affs 9· ' 5 ; there is his particula~ defignment unto bearwg Chnfl s Name and Suffenngs for him. for which he IS m a fpecwl manner, fet out as a chofen Velfel; He zs a (IJo(;n vef!eltmto Mr, ;o 6Mr my N,zme before the Gentiles, and Kings, a11d the Gbildren of lfrael. . . , . . l· Jt is to Cboofe them for /,is Glory; _for Ius Glory;as mamfefied,Js fa1d to be Himfelf; wh ich therelore he fays, He Wt 111101 t;tve to another: And here 1n thd following Verfe it is added,V111o the praz(e of t'beGiory of hts Grace.. Of wluch 1 have lpoken elfewhcre, as it ts con)oyned wtth h1s choofing us for htmfelt. But, l · d d · l' ITi · 1· 4 . That which I mofi pito upon as mten e 1tl tJJS exprc IOn, IS 11s dciigning Thi• Hwl 1 us to the neareft Onwejs and entire CommuniOn wah lum(elt. A man choofetll hale largely Goods,and Dwellings,and Servants fo~ Ius ufe; andKmgs ule to make a collection j~",~~; ~!',~:( of Ranties and preciOus thmgs for their fpecwl dehght,Err/.2. 8. Yea,but to chufe , difeou.fe ,. a Spoufe,a familiar intimate Friend(asZ<Jilltd1s callcdJ'v!orno11s Fnend, J!(m.4 j'.) ';!;,~',ci~f;:~~ impors fomethmg h1gher. And further,It 1s one tlung_ for a Kmg to choofe to fuch """' h hi"op or fuch an Office or Dignny; as to choofe Ius LordCh,wcellor, Trea{rtrer, Ghzif "'d uhim•_rc 1uflzce (!)c. that is a cooice unto things, to places, and but to outward priv1- ~~fign'" EJ<: iedges ~nly ; but 'tis another thing to cboofe hisWife to lie. in his bofom, to be u•'~:.~~'s;~• one lle01 with him, and another felr Wlth h1mfelf; or an Intunate Companion, to P":"""on be as one Soul with him. This latter is to choofe to and for"himfelt; and for his :,~j,;};'~:~d own perfon, and unto the lughefl commumon With lumfelr, and a partiCipation .>nimmedi'" of himfelf • the other is hut to outward honour, and for !JJS bufinefs, his fervice commu"'"' and the Jik'e. lt is in fuch choices for himfelf, in. which the grace and favour 0 j· f,Y~;0;,1;~m· a King in choofing is mofi feen and {hewn; That lS a cho1ce mdeed! which r refer the Reader fot [I!. For Him, that is, For JefUJChrij/.] In the Interpretation before, I faid, the wordsll«JT;, would bear either For him(eif, as referring to the Fathe.r; or For him, referring to Jefus Chrifi: ·!all mentioned. And the Holy Ghofi mtended both thefe fenfes; but yet if we were to choofe but one, this would make me think Chri11 rather to be here in· tended, than God the Father; becaufe the Father's being the end of Predefiina– tion unto Adoption, follows after, [To the prai{e of the glory of his Grace,] namely, of the Father, whofe free ~race 1s thereby_ magmfied; although it mufi: be alfo acknowledged, that h1s ordammg us for Chnfl, IS to the glory ol his Crace alfo. So then let us confider, Whether it may not be intended <1f Chrifi, [,;, Xe.<>lrJ [for Chnjl ;] for which there are thefe R.eafons. 1. The words [•'Tiv] and [<;TJv] are promifcuoully uied, eithet for [Him] or [Hzm(elj:] . 2. I find that '?any Copies d& fo read it, [d, <JTJv] [for him,] even for Cbrifi t So the Vulgar E<huon. A_nd fo fome Interpreters of all Corts do carry it; as Cor– ueliusa L ap•dt, the Jefmt; Vorjlws, Stnpulmjis, Cajlilio, LubiTJ, and O· thers. l· And to concl\1de all, There is this Reafon for it, If Jefus Chrill were in Predeftmatmg us a1med at b)' God, as an end thereof, (as I !hall prefently make good unto) ou,) then certa1nl) he may be fuppofed to come in here; and fo he doth, where the Holy Ghol1 fer• himfelf to enumerate all the caufcs of Prede· flination, he mentioneth God the Father as the End of it. over and above or befides, in thofe words, [To thepraift of the glory of his G;nce. ] And if Chrifi llJOuld not come m here, he lhould come in no where, as a final caufe. He cometh m as a Common Pcrfon , that Is, as our Head, in thofe words [Havi>;g deffed tu m lum;] nlfo as a Means, 111 thofe words [flnvi11g prede(/illatedtt.' tt11fo Adopt10116y btm; ] but as an E11d, together with his Father, no where cometh in, unlefs here by tranllaung thefe words [,;, .JTJr] [for him.] thcrdt4