--~------------------------------------------- A N Alphabetical .Table. (The firll: Number denotes the Part, the Se::ond the Pagd A Bo1<ndi11g, as an ad of the 'Divine Grace towards Saints, what. r,tog,&c. Acceptation,~in the work or ofR.tdempAccapttd, tion, what. • r.g1,&c. It is founded upon our Re/ati011 to Chrif/'s Per(o11, · '•93,&c, ACfions: Sinj11l ACfio1zs, not focontrary to Godas.finfuiNature. ,2.119 Adam, his Corruptio?J, how derived to us. 2.109 He was guilty of the firfi Sin Per(o– ?JaOy, we by the jufl Law of Na– ture. 2.11) A Common Perfon before his Fa/1. 2. u6. NetfoafterhisFa/1. 2.117 His Vnion of Soul and llody, a lha– dow of the Union of the 'Divine and Hummu_Natureof Chrifi. 3.51 His Ktwwltdge of God in Jnnocency 6111 Natural, the Knowledge of Believers under the Gofpel Suptr– natural. 3·1" His Marriage with Evt, a Oudow of Chrifi and the Church. 3-54,10 6o .Adam and Eve were reconciled to God. ?• !JS A Adoption, why Holinefs is put before it? 1. 68 Wh~t it is. t.72,&c. In our Adoption Chrifi was our Ex– amplar, 1 .8o. Our MtU!JS. r. 81. And our End. 1. ~2 Adopted Humane Nature does not make Chrifl an Adopted Sor. l. 142. .Ajftefions; none of them exercifed in Heaven, but Love. 2.271 Agts to emu, largely expounded. 2.2 37,&c. Angtls; Stvrrat Ranks of them. t. I 32,and . 146 Their Immutability, f§c. is fixed in Chrifl. 1.1 34&c. What Fellowfbip, f§c. they have with the Eled, and Chri(l.r.I 37 ,&c. and 140 They are part of the Worfbippers and F<1m1ly of Chnfi. 1. 137.&c. Their AjJociation with Men. 1.1 j8 Clmf/. thnr Head. 1. 1 p, &c. And that by way of fecret influence of Grace and Glory. 1.14o,to 1H The Ful11e[s of the Glory in Heaven, not theirs by Nncre. 1.15 ,,&c. They are Frimds, and Rteonct!ed to the Souls and Bodies of Men by Cbrifi. 1.161,&c. There