Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

.&n Alphabetical Table. The Nue(]ity and Author of his RefurrdtJOJJ, 1.398,&c. His Exaltatio11, what. 1.406, to41 8. and 2.2 Hisjitti11g at God's Right ha11d,whar. 1.407, tO 4') He is a Natttral Soveraign; Satan, not fo. 2-48,&c. His Obtdimceonly makes us holy. 2, 115,&c. Not tainted with Original Sin, and whence. 2.119 More God's ow11 So11, than our Chil- ·dren ours. . 2. '9~ As aComm011 Ptrfoll, bath taken pof– fe/lion of Heaven for Believers. 2, 2r2.,&c. On the Crofs he was an equal Arbi– ttr for the reconciling difagreeing Chrillians. 3· I 9· He was there the Vbi, and meeting place, of all Be– lievers for Reconciliation. ;.24 How dwtUi11g in Belitvtrs is pecu– liarly attributed to him. 3· 30. And, Whether he dweUs it~ ttf 011/y by Faith, and by Grace only, or Per– [o11aUy? J.SI His 'lJivine Naturt, working ads of Mediation in u5 and for us , does it by the !11[/rummtality of his Hu– mmu Natrtrt. 1 • 3·39 He may be i11 tu when Faith cloth not operate. 3.40 He is more to Believers than only the 06jtt1of Faith jullifying. H' He is appointed as a Mums by which God conveys all to us. 3·44 We are Naturally more backward in going to Chrijl, than to the Father. 3-45 His dweUi11g in the Heart by Faith, what. H7 He is ~he Subject of the Gofpel; t$ He bath all Fu!Jne(J dwelling in him for reconcilingMankind unto God ; As, I. AFttlnefsof Fit11ejJ. 3.107 2. AFul11ejJof Abilitiu. 3.Ill 3· AFu!tufi of Righteoufoefs. 3· ur,&c. 4.AFu!tujJof Acceptation.;. I 13 5. A Fulnefs of the 'lJuration of . hu Mtrits. 3.114 Why he mull be both Go"andMa11. . )·W7 His A6ilititstofave. . . pog He is a PhJ:fician that healeth out of tneer pity. 3·"9 Why hi> Commg w.u in the 1,41 days. H . 11 d H . ' d' l·.'l 4 eJs ea e ttr, as ~,1e rator, ncit as Son. j.l l9· That God appointed hrmHor, and w~Y·l•14o. He dif– fers from other He:rs. · 3 . 140 His Humane NattJrt does not mol<e himanAdopttdSo11. 5·'4i HIS 'lJtVl1111J {et out by Three Ex– preilions. 3·14) . See 'Death and Re[urrrC1io11 bfChri1t. Chrifliam living as Gel/tiles, Chrill reckons forGeuttles. ~ 2.6) Church V.n•verjat, what, 1. 147, ~nd 168. and Partimlar, what. 1.J47,&c. Who the Headof the Church. 1.468, to 4i9 Wh~therit teach beyond a PuriiCit· lrzrCottgre.otioll? 1 47),&c. The ,Pope 110~ the Head of 11. 1. 478 B"t Chrif/ is the Head by way of Eminence and Influence. 1.182,&c. HowChrifl fiUet h the Chmch. 1. 4~6 How the Churclt is the Body ofChnjl. . 1.487,!0491 The Church being called the Body of Chrifl, notes nearnefs of Relation . and Affetl:ion. .I. 490 Parzfb ChurchtS true Churches of Chrill. 1.487 ,&c. How faid to be a11 Helptr to Chrill, as th7 Wife to the Husbond. .J-56 How faJd to be Bone of Chrijls Bone. . . l ·57 Comfort principal!y comes from the Holy Gholl. 1.21t The Comfort of Believers lies in being . qaickuedwithChrijl, 2.189 Common Perfons,or Reprefematives, chofcn three ways. 2. u6 Communicants at the Sacrament ought to be more than one or two,. viz. many. 3.27 Co1ztroverjies, when difcuffed, ufually difcover fome ne_w Truth. 3.20 Conver}io11 , at firll is done by M great a Power as that which raifeth the bead. i. 300. Yea, by agreater Power than what is ufed in kupmg afterward. 1. 30I It is conlid~red extrinfecutly and w• lri1ljnally. 1,308,&c; Gr~at ExprejJlo11s in Scripture obbuf . . tt. 1. 3og,&c, Performed by a Powei' excnd111g Creatio11; . r.j r o,&c, Vnder{/mJdi11g, Will and AjfectJons; are againll ir. 1. 3 '2, &c. What Power goes to it. r..p 6,&c. The bell drfimtion of it. x. 329 B b Ther~