Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Alphabetical Table. '.Difobediena of Adam, and Obtdimce of Chrijf, how they differ in the Con· veyance. 2.I 17 '.Divi11ityof Chrill,fet out by Three exprcflions. ).14) '.Diviji01ts, in Heaven and Earth, produc'd byAdam's Fall. 1. I )9,&c. Chri!t made allone again. r. 161 ,&c. E EArntjf, how different from a Paw11. r. 218 How the Holy Gholl is the Etmujl of the Heavenly Inheritance. r. 2.2o,&c. E{foflual Calling, whence. Ll2) Elrfl, their Number already fixed. 2.23:z. Eltfl.d, i11 and with Chrijf, to be di!\ingulfhed. ' ·1'9 Saints Elefledin Chrill as a Common Perfon, how. x.6o,to 6• Eleefio1J, not from Faith forefeen. ")4,&d Nor the Merits of Chrill. L)5, &c. What it is in its Ails and Termiruu. t.)6,&c. Chrill not the Caufc of God's Electing us. L)8 All things in this World further God's Decree of E!eflio11. 1.66. The difference between Eleflion and Prede{linatio11. 1.70,7 r The End of our Election. t -77 Notwith!\anding the uncertainty of Elellion', yet there are many In– centives to feek Pardon. 3-12o,&c. 13mba1Jadors of Chrift, have a large Cornmillion, and what it is. 3-9o,9f End (and aim) of Man, made noble and e· levated by Grace. 1. 329 Enmity in order of Nature ,fuppofed to be removed before Reconciliatio11. 3• 4,&c. The E11mity betwixt Jews and Gm– tiles (before Chrift's coming)great, and wherein, 3·7,&c. Eternity, a continued flux of Time. 2.241 Exaltatio11of Chrill, what. 1.4o6,&c. 2.2 Its Eminmcy and Vniver(a!ity, r. 417,&c.and 46o,&c, 2,2 E:><amplcs of Mer') in others, are given to help our Faith; 2. 264 FAw!ties, according. to the order of Na– ture, are in fubordination to one ano– ther lince the Fa!J. 2, 84 Faith and Affizr,mce, how d:lforcnt. 1 2·~-. &c. Notthe_ground of E!rctio11. .., 4 Faith g1veo betore the Spirit. :1.204, &c. Two things the Object of it. r. 369 That which Regenerates is attended with the mighty Power of God. r. ,s j It is a work of Reftwreefion. L 384 De•cribcd. i 390 It is much !\rengthned, by confidering that Mrms Salvation i; the glon– fymg of God's Free Grace. 1.- 2)4. And •lfo by the Examples of M rrcy andGrace in others. 2. 264 It hath agreat, nor a foie hand in our Salvation. 2.282 It is meerly P"J'five. :z.87 Acting Ftuth on Chrift (as dying) will make a Luft die. ~·42 It is the !n!\rument that receives all that Chrijl has to give. 3-46 What it is for Chrift io dwell in the Heart 6y Faith, 3·47 It is amode /I Grace. . 2. 291 Why it is chofen when God comes to apply Salvatiolt to liS. 2.297 How we are j'aved through Faith. 2, . 3oo,&c. Whether it is the ad: of Faith that Jufiifies,and is accounted the Righ– . teoufnefs of a man. 2.301 There's nothing in us contributes to javi11g Faith.z.3o). Nothingio the V~tderj/andittg,Wz/1, or AfJeflions. 2:306.. Nothing in the Rea{ort.2. 307. Nor in NMural Confcience. . . L3o& What is the highell Leffon in the School of Faith. 2. l' :z. Faith(ui1Jejs ilz Chrif/wfave, what. j.ll r Fa/J of Adam prQduced divifions and mmi0'·in Heaven and Earth. 1.1 )9,&c. Chnjl made all one again. 1.16 r Fm1cy but an Apprentice to Reafim. 2 .92 Father, how God is fo to Chrift. x24,&c. Fathers; why Old Teftament Saims are fo called. . ~-IJ x FeUowfhip and Affociaiion of Angels and Men, what. 1. i l5' tor 38 Fire Material, not in Hell. ' 2.122 Fit11ejiin Chrill to fave. 3· ro7 Flejh; a defcription of it. i.69,&c. Why called fo. 2:7i All Creatures, and Creature Corn· forts, without God and Chrifl, are Flejh. . 2.71 Cofpel Works, directed to bad Ends are Fltjh. z..72 &c] Why