Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Alphabetical Table. ----~----------------- . \Vhy called our Flejh. q6,f!;c. Forgivme[s of Ji11,how faid to be perfOrmed of God,' when as he receiveth a price for it. I .106 Fotmdatiolls of God's Love to Man,tob emi– nently mentioned in S.ripture. 2. ' 15\' Free Graa ; a Doctrine ta11ght and 6e!iev· ed in all Ages. 2.262 The Ricbes of the Gofpel chiefly lies in it. 2.267,and 277 It's Fne notwith!binding Chri!t's purchafe. 2.289 Attempts have been made in all Ages to detract, and dimini01 the Sove– reigttty of it. 2. I 90 It's compared to a 'Diamottd. 2,291 it, and the dependency of our Salva– tion upon it,is thegreatefl thing in the Gofpel. 2.196 Bow it denotes more than either Love or Mercy. 2. I98 How, and why called Fret Graa. 2, Ig8,&c. trs magnifed in two refpcds. 2.304 Fuliiefs of Chri1l, what. 1.49 r, &c. G GEiuratio11 but the Channel, it's A– dam's Fir!t fin that makes us finful. 2.I 18 Gifts were given the Apo!lles and Primi· tive Cltri1lians, ahd i:eafed with them. 2.266 Giory, what. . I.27J Of God,is Effential and Manife!larive. x.8g ltsfulne{s in Heaven is fupernatural to Angels. I 0 In ,&c. Of Bodyand Soul, what. t.274,&c. After the RefurrediQn the Glory of the Body and the Soul is mu<h greater than that of the Soul be· fore. 1.222. Our Glorj ·in Heaven will hold fame proportion to the immenfe Riches of God's Grace. 2.27J Glory fhall come to God, either on or byevery one. ~.I67 God; the Fatqer of Chrifr, what, and how. 1.24,&c. ,, The Goodttefs of God, Threefold. I. 1)6 BisWorks ~xtend toall thittgs. I.I8o, &c, HisWiillimitshisPower. J.I8) His Power is exceeding great. J,288, &c. Its Efficacy_in Believ~rs. I. 29o In quzckmng of Smners it is .great. 2. 4 ,&c. There IS a Threefold Life derived from him. 1, r·>f,t::ir. His Wratb is the hotte!t Torment in. He/J. 2,122 His Attributes appearing in wrath, make Belt. ibid. He is the foie Author of all Salvation 2.12g. He has done more for Men than for A11gds. 2.rlo llis 'Decreeing ma11's Fall, and thecv · raiji11g him, .was a greater demon· firatton of hts Love than if taken to Heaven in !tmoce;tcy. .,, r 32,f~b and i)o His Love is toPtrjolts, not to Propofitions. 2.q),and I4) It is his prevailing Attrilmte. 2.1 l5' The Greattufs of this Love of God difcovered many Ways. 2·, I40, to His Goodnefs is the Fotmtailt of 1~i~ Love. 2,142 Therefore it is pr2Portionable to his Goodtttjs. .. 2.143 He loves every Cbofm otte as if he loved none elfe. 2.I48 His Love is chiefly fhewn in two great Acts, viz. EteEiio11 belore, time, andfmding Cbrifl in time. z. 148 He Loves purely out of Love. 2. r 5' 4 His Love to Saims is the fame with his Love to Chrift , and with his Love to himfelf. 2o18,: Not for any thing in Believers, or in Cbrifl. ibid. Whether the Love of God, which is from Everlafiing, be the fame with that which puts forth it felf when he calls us; 2.294 The Pttrpo(ts of his Secret Wilt o– vercome all the diflict<lties of his RevealedWilt, 2.157 His utmofl E11d in Man's Salvation, is the fhewing forth of bimfelf and his Glory. 2.2n ·The Back-parts of God only known by the Covenant of Werks, and Workof Creation. J.6; He is fa id tobe fought to for Revea!- ingGofpetMyfleries. l·7 ' He is loath to remove from an Allcient 'Dwetlittg. 3.89 What he did before the Creatio11 of the World? ~· 94 His