An Alphabe~i~al,'{able. His 'Juflice, never to be fatisfied l>y one Creature for another. ... I 00 He delights in the Rrco~tciliatioll of Sinnen. 3•"6 He d"th riot reveal his Wilt all at OtiC;, .. , , 3.12.7 Nor all irt o11e manner: . 3·U9 Godht~~d; the Godhead is a quickniog Spirit to the Humane Nature of Chrift. 2..188 Goodnefs of God to Creatures, thrc~fold. '•. 156 Gofptl, why an hidden Myjlery? i.'i ,s,&c. Why Wicked men partake of 1t.1.t2.0 Its Encomit~ms. 1.192., The Subjeflof it is Chri!l:. 3.65,68 It's aMyjlery. 3.68 God is to be fought to for revealing the M_yfleries of the Gofpel. 3•71 The Wifaomof God was employed in itwtnting it. 3.68 None u11derfland it but Saints. 3.7 I the Properties of the Go{pet. 3· 74, 75 The Riches of it. 3•75·76 It isGlorious. 3·77,&c. God does not ufe to take it from aNation,till they fell it or put it away. 3.8o Thofe that fee not the GtorJ of it are fiill blind. 3•8• The ExctlJencies of the World are nothing, when compared with the ExufJmcinof the Gojpel. 3.8:z. 'Tis thegloryof a People. 3•83 It being mttrtained bring$ down aother Btejfitrgs. 3·8S' When rejeCled it brings mifery. ibid.– Signs of its departure from a People. • 3.s6,&c. Why the GofPe! Vays are Days of Grace.2.2.4o. Why they are called the LajlVays. 3· qt,&c. They are !Jetter than thofe un– der theLaw.3·'35· Wherein that btttertrifs confifis. 1·•35> &c. Grace of God, what. 1.13 In Believers, what, and how great. 1.3og,&c. Vijfiwlt to be wrought in the Hearr. I.'~I ~,&c; What Power goes to the workmg it in the Soul. 1. p6 , ..., Though Grace be an Accident, yet it's worth mote than the Soul.r.317 The work of Grace is grttJter than the Creation. 1.317 It gives a Man a new endiadftope, r. 329 Why ~~djlriv~s with Sinners; w!iy he gtves notJjtfficient Grace. "B6 There are \Wolorts of Men that prr-. tend toGrace, and have it not. 1 , ', ' ·' _, 35° Believ.ers, that have true Grace wrought in them, may be ignorant of the Powerthat worh it, _ 1 • .· -. - . . ,_ -. ,· 367,&c. How Sm and Gracr dtffer in their working. _, . _ . 2$4 It thrtves not fo naturally ut the heart of Man as Si11. . __ . .. .2..1•7 Savedby Grace; not meant ofGract in us, l:>ut oth~rwife,and how.;>., 196 Errottr~ of PapzFs and Schoolmen ii· bout Grtt(t._ _ -,, ,,2..rgl> T~e Grace and Fqvot~r of Goa to be /jtJght as the _highefi thing,- and Graces, the fruas of that Grace but f~conc)arily. _ .·. z,~i 97. Gra~e refpeds no Conditions for Par; don or Juftifi~ation. , z.~oo It's the chief~ft thing God defi~es ~d fbew fort6. , , ~-•n It's t~e Fountain of all theGlory that Samts doorlhall ever !'!i)PY·- ~.~68 Itcloth not [a11e and fiml1ifie ill tl!e fatne manner, z:z8i Whether the fame Grace that dotb. elefl doth alfq (ave us. 2 .2. 9 2.,&,. The Grace of_E!dfion works no al. teration in Men. ~. zn The Gra_cr of. God Decreeing, ana e.xe.cutt';lg his Decrees , not being dtfitngUtlbed creates mifi2kes.2..2.9' See Free ($rart , HAIId, Right ha1Jdof God, what. I-409; . &c. Head; how Tefus Chrifl is an Arithmeticaf , anrfPolztlcat Head. I, r 3i An Head toAngels and Men.1,r p,&c, The Headof the Church, "468, to 48 9• And not the Pope. 1 ·478 His being Htdd of the Church notes his lnterceffion. , 1 .48 t He is an Head to his Church in refpeCl: ofEminmce andlnj!uence.r.48z,&c. lfea~ing w?rketh Faith. r. i ~i Heart; thts followeth the 'tl:nderfianding. ' l.26d Wh~t it is to have Chrifi dwelt inthe Heart? J-47,e§c; A j01md Heart loves' .the flrideft Preaching. . . ~ .8i HeaVtllj Two thtngs to b_e coitfider'ed in it. I . 2.~8 Cc Whether