Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

. An Alphahetical Table. Whether Sai11ts know in this World whatitis? J,28r,&c. Why c•lled aWorld to come. 1.436 The Third Heavm and Paradife, two diflinct things. 2.221 Hedvm is but the[teing the Glory of Chrifl. 3.r46 HeavmlyPlacts, what. 2,230 Heir; Chrifl focalledashe isthe Mtdiator, not as he is the J'on, 3.139 That God appointed himHeir, and Why. 3-140 Wherein Chrij/ differs from other Heirs. ibid. ReU; there are ma~y ways to it. 2.98 Why it laflsto Etertli(y. 2.274 It's nothing but God's Attribtttes appearing in wrath. 2.122 Hinifelf: For him[tl( largely explained. r , 7),to So Holi11efs, Perfect and Imperfect, what, r.6'J– Why it is put before Adoptio11. r .68 Its Character. I. 72 Abfolutely nccefTary to Salvation. r. Man's Holi11e}Jonly comes by Chriri~ Obedience. 2.11 ),t!ic. Hope; taken fe\'eral ways. r.26J,t!ic, JEws; More peculiarly Children of Difo– bedience than the Ge11tJies,why? . 2.63 They fiJal! be called in the lattrr days, 2..239 Image of God in the Perfon of Chrifl,threefold, 3·)2 Imitation; Sin at firfl comes by Birth, not by Imitatio11, 2,111 Impojjibitities; Two eminently mentioned in Scripture. 2.1 56 l11carnation of Chrzfl, a Myftery, ;.69 In[m1ts, damned for the corruption of their Narure,though not guilty of AE!u– alji". 2.120 Inhtrilmtce belonging to Saints, how obtained. I.r76,t!ic. It noterh Three things. 1.270 The Glory of the Samts bJheritance in Heaven,what? r 027),~C. Injuries in point of Honour from Inferiours to Superiours, moft tranfcend fa– tisfaction. poo lntercejjiou of Cbrifl is noted out by his being Head to his Church. r.48 r J11jfia, not fo natural to God as Mercy. 2. · r6r This could never be fatisficd by one Creature for another. 3.roo Kindnefs the fulleft word in Scripture. · 2 ; 24) All the good ~od beftows on us, or bears~ous, IS from it.. 2. 2 ) 9 All Gods k111dnr[s to us rs in Cbrifl.z, Ki . 1 z6o l}guom; All men born under Sathan's · Ki11gdom. 2 , 47 In Sathan's Kit~gdom there are fome , Ringleaders. 2 ) 9 Antichrift's Ki11gdom parallel'd \~ith the Ki11gdomof Sathan. 2 . 4 , Ki1t$domof Chr ift, diverfe, and how , fard to be for e':'er, 1.4)8 Kl11gly Power; two thmgs go to it. 1. 4 , 2 Kuowltdge; Severalforts of it. . 1.2 4 7 That whrch makes holy rs of Spiritual things. 1.248,t!ic. Why called Revdatio11. 1. 252 Sp~rill<al, what? 1.326 Not to be obtained till made a New Crtature. 1.326 The knowledge of thePowerof God working in the heart,what? r. 364, .t!ic. HO\y ufeful this Kt1owledge rstoChnftrans. r.36),C§c: K11owledge of common Articles of Faith, of all knowledge mofl ne– cefTary. I.393 1 t!ic. Kuowledgeof God in Innocency Na– tural; under the Gofpel flate J'tl– pernattlral, 3·)1 'L I Ife from God, Threefold. z.r4,t!ic. , Is originally in God theFather.2.r8~ Life ofBelievers in Chrifl far excels Adam's in I nnocency. z.r go It is all the Grace and Happinefs we fiJal! ever have. 2.217 Lord; How Chrift is Lord to Saints, and what advantage that Rdation brings to them. 1.28 How he is Lord to Wicked men. r, ' 29 Love ought to be to the mo{l i•ifirm as well as to the flr01!gef/SaitJts, r,2 37,t!ic. To Self, and Pleafure, is the fum of man's Corruption, 2.80 Love of God to be valued, and why; r. 66 Nothing can feparate from it. i61d. Not founded upon Lovrlinefs in us. 1. " 6g Love