An Alphabetical Table. Lovt and Mercy in God, how they differ. 2. 129. Both caufes of our. Salvation. 2.1 29 This is the Foundation of Macy. 2, q o This lhould be the chiefell: thing in our eye and heart. 2.132 Love of Good-will, and Love of Friendlhip in God, how they differ. 2.134 Love nailed Chrill: to the Crofs. 2. '4 ~ This is chiefly fl1ewn in the two great aCts of Etd lio11 and fendl11g of ChriJ1. 2.Lt8,and In This is never mentioned in the Plural Number,as Mercio,~c. are. 2.149 God cloth not love as Creatures do, for fomething in Us or in Chrill:. 2.1H Gods Lovr to Believers is the fame with his Love to Chrill:, and with his Love tohimfelf. 2.158 This to Believers is fuch, that if they have need of the whole ll:ock of his Mercies, they lhallbave, them. 2.177. Whether the Love of God be the · fame from rvertajli11g, with that he puts forth when lle Ca!leth us. 2.294 This is exceedingly detraCted from by Armi1li1Jilifmt. 2.14)·aod 149 His Love is to Perfons, not to Propolitions. 2.q5,and 149 Its his prevailing Attribute. 2.1 ~) The Greatoefs of it fet forth many ways. 2.r4o,to 158 God's Goodnrfs the Fountain of it. 2. 142. Therefore 'tis proportionable to his Goodnefj. 2.J4~ He tows every Chofen one, as if he tovrdnone elfe. 2.248 This fet God on work to fave Mankind. l ·9> L11(1, what. 2.94,&c. Ltif/sof thejlefb, what. . 2.77 Lttjls work intri11jfcally on us • Sathan and the World extrin{ec(lll)'· 2.81 Some are of the fame kind in Man and Beall:s. 2.83,90 They never come forth into aCtion, but by the confent ofthe Wil\.2.8~ Several Epithites of Lujls. 2.89 Some common to Men with Devils. 2.90 They vary accordicg to mens natural Tempers. 2.roo Thofe of the Mind llrongell.2.IOO,&c. And dcceitfullefi,2;1ot; and worll. 2.101 M M.Agi.flratu,differirig Degrees of them, 1.421 ,&c. Mall, by Gqd made fuitable to the World, and the World to Man. · 2.79 He is wholly corrupted in Soul and Body. 2.96 In fome refpeCts he has mote Lulls . than Devil~. 2.97 ' Tis as much nis Nature to Sin, as tile Eye to See. 2. 107 His mifery by Nature mightily illu1\rates the Glory of his Condition by Grace. 2. 178 He has no worth in Him when God firll: refpects him. 2.25 7 All men have fome,\lorktodo. 3·177. God has done m<>re for Man, than for , Angels. 2. r 3.0 Meek11ejs in the Old iellameot taken for the whole of Religion, 3.1 5' 9 A good defcriptiotl'()f it. 3·'n Reafons why God fo much values it; 3-' 74,&c. Mercy and Love in God, how they differ. z. 129 In Cod and Man, how they differ. 2. . lj [ It is natural in God. 2. 160 And a peculiar Excellency. 2 . 165 It wholly refpeCts the Creature; God forhimfelf has no need of it. 2. 166 Mercies of all forts in God, anfwer– able to Miferiesof all forts in Man. 2.168 Particular proportions ofMercits for the Wicked,as a Stock,which when fpent, they are broken; 'tis not fo with the Godly. 2.171 Mi11ij1ers are God's Voice, and lhould not abufe it. ~ .127 They lho~ld mould Truths into fevc– ral forms,becaufe they have feveral Apprehenlions to fpeak to. 3.qo They are the great defence of a Nation. 3·')' Mortification of Si11, if true, arifeth from a Spiritof Life. · 2.184 M;f/ery; the Gofpel was a J1yfle>y, and why. t .uS ,&c, M.Jj/rry of God's Will, what, 2.12r Myjlrrits of the Gojpet; God is to be fought to for rtvtaling them, 3.71