Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Alphabetical Table. N NAme· the reafon of Changing it. 1.3 What and what difference of them. . ' I •424,&t. Nature unregmerate_; the Spirit ft~ives with it and tries 1t many dtffermg ways, I:B4· Why the Spirit does this. I.B6 Nattlrt what are the Principles in Corrupt ' Nature that the Spirit works upon. I·JH No Light or Means will do Corrupt Naturegood. 2.66 Children of Wrath, by Nature what. 2 . 104 Corrupted by Adam's Firll Sin. 2.115 Remembrance of our ftate of N ature; what improvement to be made of it. • 2.310,&c. Chri!l's 'Divine Nt~turtworking acts of Mediation in and for us, does it by the vihue and inlln:tmentality of the Htlmmu NattJre. H9 Natural mm; their conditionopen~d. 2.8, &c. Vdd in Sin, how. 2,10 Conforma6te in their courfes. 1..24 Their dtjiru compared to Sick mens Appetites. 2. 88,&c. Of themfelves as unable to live a Spi– ritttatlift, as a dead man to live a Natural lift. 2. r 8• They may dzjcot~rft of, but do not un– derlland the Myfhrin of the Gof– pel. 3·7 I . Therefore their .1ttdg– mtnls not to be taken in fuch My– j/trits, . 3·72 Numutr ; The Numhr of the Elect is fixed. 2.2J2 0 OBtdience of Chrif/ only makes Man holy. · 2.115,&c. Itsdzjftrtnce from Adam's 'Difo6edi– tncr. 2.117 Opiniom · 'Diffirmcts about then;r not to beget dijftrtnces in Affection. I. 240 Oppofition to Godtinefs; why called a Spirit . of Oppofition. 2.56 Ordet' Natural, in the fubordination of the Faculties one to another, do con– tinue lince the Fall. 2.84 Original Corruption ; A Doctrine known to the Old World. 2.70 Original Sin; why focal!ed. 2, 108 How convryedto us. 2.109 Whence Chrifl not tainted with it. 2.119 p PAradift and the Third HtaTJtNs two difiinct things, 2.2 2 I Pardo11oj Si'! is to be fol(ght, though our parttcular EltCiton be uncertain. , . . 3·12o,&c. Tts certam to be found, if all means be ufed. 3·122 Parents Szntn the ACI of Gmeration not convey'ed to Pollerity. 1..1 I ~.&c. Paffivt;We are as paffive in all theGiory be– llowed on us, as at our Converlion. 2.269 J.u8 Pawn and Earnejl, how different. Peact, what. Phyfician; Chrill is one that heals o~;'o'tmeer Pity. 3 ." 9 Pledgeand Earne_(l, how different. 1, 21 g Popery to be hated,and why. 2. 269,and 28 3 It's a Myflery. 3.68 Pof]iUe; AOthings t~repoj]i6te,how. 1. 315 Power of God, exceeding grear. 1.288 &c. Itsefficacy in Believers. r.29o,&c. God ufeth to proportioll it to the work it is employed about, 1.29) Wherein the greatntfs of it confilleth.. . . 1,296 Sometrmes rt ts refifled. 1,3o4 ' What influence it bath ijpon theWilt in converting a Sinner. r.305,and 308 It's great in converting the WiO. r. 328 Why, or whence it is that fome fup– pofe that there is not fo great a Power of Godgoes to Converlion, 1.3J2 Believers knowledge of this Power, what. 1.364 They may be ignorant of this Power. 1.367 Powerof God in Regeneration, and Cluift's RejurreEfio11 compared. 1 • J7o,&c, 'Tis great in quickning a Sinner. 2.4, &c. Raijing tip our dead Bodies a work of Power, 2,2o8 Preaching; A found heart loves the f/riEftfl · Preaching. 3.82 Predeflination andEte{fion,how they diffe,. 1.70,71 In Predeflination Chri(\ was our Patternand Exemplar. ,.8o So our Means and Virtual Cau{r. 1.81 So our End. 1.82 The good pleafurc of the Father's Will was the effici"mdeterminative Cauft. x.87 Primi·