AnAlphabetical Tab/e. Primitive Chrrjlians, intended as Patterns of Grace to us. 2.264 AndalfoasPiedges. 2.264 We have the fame Privi!edges with them. 2.265 Prirrciples;. Three in Man concur to every Achon;WIII, W1fdom,Power. 3·92• and 144 Privilrdges of men , will not fave them from an Vnregnrerate condition.2.66 Prornije; Tbe Spirit of Promife; what. r. 2II,&c. 'l'romifes of God; all of them arc rryed Truths. 3.16) Properties of the Riches of Graa,what.2. 25),t0 2)9 Prudma, what: I.II2 to'') Purpofes of God's Suret Wi!J overcome all the difficulties of his RevealedWIU. 2.1)7 Q OVickrritrgs i11 Saims, are better than Ordi11a11Ces, Sermons,f~c. 2.184 If Prue, though never·fo fma!J, they are really Life, and will grow to Eternity. 2.184 Theycofi Chriflhisdeatb. 2.189 0!Jckning contains not only our fir!l: Co11verjion, but all that isdone up– on us in this life. 2.191 Man, when firfi quickned, and turned to God, his !l:ate is altered. 2.216 R R .Aifed11ptogether,f!Jc. what. 2.1.07" Raijing 11p our dead Bodus, a work ofPower. 2.208 Rcconciliatimi made by Chrifi, in and between Heaven and Ea·rth. 1.161 Our being reco11ciled to God in one body, hasan influence upon our mutual Reco11ciliaiion in two re– fpects eminently. · 3· 25 Reco11ciliation with God by Sinners, is certainly to be obtained. J.II )• Reafons of the ctrtai1tty of it. 3• u6 l.?.edemptio11 of Ma11 was morefor the fet– ting forth of Chrifl's Glory than our Salvatio1r. r.IY4,&c. Redemptioll, what. r.1o3,226,&c. Enjoyed. inChri!l:. I ,1 04 ThePrice paid fori~. 1. I 04 The Fruit of it. r.IO'J. TheCau(e of it. ibi , Redemptio11 of Mankind God's Mafier·piece. 3·97 ReformatiOit in the CiiUrch lies chiefly in teachwg the Doctrine of Free Groce. 2.267 Regmeration; See Conver(io1r. Characters of the V11rege11erate. r. j60 The mighty work of God, to rege11e– rate a Smner, and of the raiftng Cbnf/ from tbe 'Dead compared. 1. no,&c. Regmerate and Vnrtgmerate men, how they diff,r. 2.17 Repwta11ce; Time is given between God's Decrees and the Execution of them for Repentance. 3·'58 RepttfnrtatJOIJof all the Saints by Chrifi as one Body, efpecially upon.the Crofs. 3·2 4 Rejitrre[/iott of Chnjl ; how it .argues him the SoJl of God. t. 372,&c. What the l'ower of raiftng him from the Dead was , and that it was greater than in raiGng up all men ,befides. r.jq,to l76,j77,&c. ltsaPaw>Zof ours. 2.227 The necetlity of Chrrfl'sReji<rre[fio11, and the Author ol it. '·l98,&c. How the Father is fa id to rai{e Chri!l:, and Chri!l: to ra1je himfelf. '.40', &c. Refitrrdfiou Spirilttal,wrought in Believers in Converfton, what ; and how it holds proportion with rhe Rejitr• retfionof Chri!l:. r.38'o,to 391 Chrtjl the Efficient, Meritorious, and Exemplary caujeof it. 2.223 Revelation, put for lCtiowtedge. 1.257. Revmge, to thofe that are re'IHntefut, the fweetefi of Lulls. 2 92. Riches of Grace, what. 1.106 Riches; As referred to Heaven and Sj>iritua\s, 1,271 Rich11e{s attributed both to Perfons and Things, and how,2.164. How totheGraceof God. 2.167,&c. Rulers~ TwofortsintheWorld. 1·4B s S.Acramt?Jt; For the BodyofChri!l:.r. 489 There are Two Sacrammts; in both which Chrifl: is held forth as a Common Perfon reprefenting. 1.. 2B One end of the Sacramtnt of the Supper is to confirm Amity andU· mty amongfi God's People. 3·•9 At which there ougbt robe many Commtmicants; l· 2 7 P d S<Jcrifices;