An Alpha-etical Table. Sacrzficis; One end and ufe of them is to ratifie Peact. ~") Sai11ts. 1.7. All of them ought to be loved. I,2~7,&c. Salvation; Adifficult thing. 2.98 God the Sate Author of it. 2-129 It'snowa,tprefenr: , 2, 20I It's in its whole bufinefs, firfi and !aft, attributed toGrace, 2.202, And that in feveral refpech" 2.2o2,&c. Salvation by Grace, a thiog of the greatefi moment for Believers to know. 2.2or It's God'sgzjt. 2.2I7 It's compleat in Chrifi fmm Eternity, , but wrought in us by dtgreu,2. I I7 Salt1tatio1t, or SaiHti11g, what. I.IO,I I Sati&jaE!zo11 for Sin, and Fretf orgive1Jejf, how confiftent. 1. 1 c6 S,Jti&fatlion to God's Jufiice could not poffibly be made by one Creature for another. 3.wo The rnea11s for it not to be found out by any but God, po3 There muft be a willingnefs both of the Father to accept of it, and of the Son to pay for it. 3· 10 2 It mufi be made by one that is Goa as well as Ma11. 3:107 Scripttwes; The fame fame times applied to Chrift, fometimes to the Church. 2.22) &t~li11g of Believers, what,and which way done. I. I96 Self-Love makes a man fometimes go a ' great way in Relij?;ion, but never far enough, I•352>3 H He that comes to 6elieve.a11d live, mufi lay this afide. I,j89 Sin; The leafi Sin caufes death of all forts. 2.I6,&c. It only kills the Soul. 2. I~ Walkihg in Sm, what. 2, 20,&~. It's eminently Satans Ki11gdom. 2-45 It's man's own, though Satan work it in him. 2.52 How this differs from Grace in operation. 2.84 Sin of the A[/io?J not fo contrary to God,asSinof the Nature. 2.1I9 In •:Jptritual GoVernmwt it implies . , Ftve tlungs. . .2. 22 z,&c. Sptrttual:ty; how known,Wtth tts degrees. Soul; defcribed in its Etfft?ttial C01tf/itu:i~:. 2.78 Its Holirtt/f; wherein it confifrs. 2.'79 Wherein its Si,ifulnt/Siies. 2. 79,&c. It enjoys Happint/S betwixt Death and the Refurrection. 2. 221. But not fo,~reat as the Soul and Bocfy fuall enJoy ,after the Refurrection, 2,222 It does many Rational Afls without the Body, whilft it is in the Body.J. Su6)tE!io11 of allthings to Chrijl, what. ji~ 46o,&c. T T Ejlamevt; New Ttjlammt Scriptures are to conunue to all Ages.' 2.26 4 The fame God fpeaks in both the . T~flarnmts. . 3· 126 Time be~wtxt God's Decree and the execw– tion of it is given for Repentance. 3·'~58 The Ful?ufs of Ti'rne,what. r, I71 ,&c. Times; Glorious Ti'rnes upon Earth yet behind. , I•4)),&c. How we may keep our felves from the Sins of the Times, ,. 3.169 Tormntt; God's Wrath is the hottefi Torment in Hell. 2, 122 Treajtlrts, ~ . , or Two in Man, ar.Jd two in God. Treafuriu, 2.I]3 There are two Treafurits to which there are continual additions by Man's finning. , ...269 The Scriptures are the Treafi~ries of Chrift. j . 79 Trinity; The Myfiery of it more fully dif– covered by the Gojpet, than either by Creatio1J or the L aw. j .6.) u It comes by Birth, not by Imitation. 2.1 II It is to be mourned for after Pardon. 2.li4 What Si11is.~·99· See Origi11al,~c. UN6tamra6tmejfput[or Hotimfs, how. 1.68 Vnderf/alldi?tg, weak, but holy, may fametimes know more than that which is lear11ed, though holy alfo. r.2f4 The Heart follows the V?jdtrflandSins of the Timts; how we may keep our felves clear of them. 3· 169 Simurs; Two forts of them. 3·95 Sittiltg; What's the meaning of it in Scri– pture, as referrell ta Chrifl and God. 1.4o8,4o9 ing. 1.26o The greatefi Sins are fealed in it. 2. 97 Vnion