Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the E P HES I AN S. io:i: emim 11 ce: For it pfea{ed the Father, that in him jho11ld allfulne{s dweD, .(even "''!i;' the tulnefs of all R.elanons to us, vn·. r 9·) And what fol!owhh ? .A11d havmg ~ mr~de per1cc t!megh the Mood of hu Crofs, by h1m to recono!e all .tbmgs to himJdj, ver. 2 o. Here is the relation of a Head, and hkewtfe.the relanon of a Redeemer and Reconciler too, God choje us 111 hzm, predeflmated tu m h1m,. ~nd accrptedm in him; and beiides this, ltt him we htlve rtdemptio1t through h1s blood, theforgtvelle/s of Jins,f!Jc. That place 10 the (o!ofli,ms anfwereth thts here in the Fpbe.Jimu, In the fourth place; from both thefe cloth arife unto Chrifl: a double gloryJ which he is ordained to: The one lt~trinfecat, due to him as he is the Son of God dwelling in an .Hum•n Nature, and being therein an Head of a glorio~s Body the Church; m whom as fuch, and fo beloved of God lumfelf, a?d for hts fake mcerly in refpeCl:. of Ius Perfon, they are beioved of God m htm. And then befides this, there IS anot·her glory more Extrmfecal, and •cqmred by the work oF R.edemptiorl; purchafed and bought with the [wear of his Soul,as Phi/; 2.8,g. He humbled himjelf, and became obedient unto thf death of the Crofs; rherrfore God aljo bath htghf)•cxalttd him,f!Jc. . . And rhus Fifthly, you fee how thefe double forts of Bleiiing~ come to be be– llowed upon a d.ffcring ground. Thofe Bleiiing<, which are the B!eflillgs of th< E11d unto which God will bring us, namely, PerfeO Holmefs, Glory,and .Ac~ ceptt1tio11 of our Perfons in Heaven, the~ are founded mcerly upon our Relation to Chrifl's l'erfon. Therefore we fee tt IS here fa,d, that w~ are cho(e11 m hmt to be buly before God i11 love ; and we are prtdejlitJated through Jejits Ckrifl unto the adoptiofl of Sons. He betng a N>tural Son, and we adopted m lum; and we are accepted in him, he firfl: being God's Beloved; and it is meerly our Relation to his Perfon that is the foundation of thefe Bleiiings. 13ut when tl1<i Apoflle comes to the other fort of Bleiiings, as Redemptio11, Forgivmtfs of fins, and the like; thefe he founds upon Chrifl:'s blood, [Itt whom we have redem:. ptiotJthrough hu 6/ood,f!Jc.] And thus in the Sixth place, We come doubly to be faved; faved over and over; and hereby we obtain a double right to Heaven : We have one right founded upon our relation to Chrifl:'sPerfon, being chofen in him, arid accepted i11 him: And then we have all thefe bought over again (when we had forfeited them) by Chrifl:'s purchafe in Redeeming us. And for this you have a Scripture in the 14th Verfe of this Chapter, where you !hall find that Heaven is both an Inheritance, andPurcliafed too; [Which is tbe tarflej/ of ottr lt~herita11ce, tmtit the redemptton of the pttrchil(ed'l:'offeflimt. J And therefore, Rom.S. 2 ~· Heaveri is called b~th the .Adoption, in refpeCl: to its being an Inheritance, by our being c\10feo Hem wnh Chtifl:; and alfo a Redemptto?l, as betng purchafed by his blood. . . In the Seventh place; Hereby God bath a double Glory too. Here are twd Editions of his Attributes, (befides that in the works of Creation,) and both in Chrifl; one in the Perfon of Chrifl:, limply and alone confidered, in whom the glory of God doth llune: the other in the fiory of his Mediation arid the \vorks thereof, in which all the fame Attributes are manifefl:ed over again and anew by Works of h•s, and the Ment of them. It woi1ld be too long to go over them all;as to {hew the double glory ofhis Wifdoni,the double glory of hisGrace, Power,&c, A double glory rifeth to God's Wifdom, in that he could make one Jefus Chrifl: fervc for t~vo defi&ns, the greatefl: that ever were, and either of them \VOrth the Incarnanon of hts Son, I mean his taking our Nature upon him. For I appeal to you; Suppofe that God ihould have created the Man Chrift Jefus in Heaven, in that glory which now he hath, and he ihould never have come down hither to fuffer and die, (as he did :) Suppofe withal that God had taken up all his Elect unto hirhfelf in Heaven, or created them tl;ere at lirfi with ~im,. ashe did the Angels, fo as they had never been in the other A4am·, nor tn thts World; but had been made Sons and Heirs with Chrifi and Members of him as thei~ Head; and fo God delighting himfelf in them,' and they in him fr~rp th~tr firfl: Creanon : Suppofe God hod done no more, I appeal to you if th1s had not been worth the afTumption of our Nature? For)1ere had all the At• tnbutes of God been manifefted; here had been infinite Love and Free grace iheWfii