Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

The PREFACE ---~---- In the Whole,he fhews himfelf aMan of God throughly furnifhed to every good work , IPJUed in the whole compaji of true Divinity, JPea"Jng fuUy, c!ear!J, and par– ticular!>' to the Points he underta!):s to handle. He bath frequent!J thingi out of the Road and Vulgar reach, and beyond the elevation of Common Writerr, and unobforved by Others ; andyet weU founded upon Scripture. There are diverfities of Gifts,difpenfed by the fame Spirit to divers Perfons, for the edification of the Church. And if at any time be ftepi out of the Road, be doth it with a due regard to tht Analogy of Faith, and a juft ve– neration for the Reformed Religion ; wondring greatly at the daring Attempt! ofJome Men of this Age, uns"Jlful in the Word of Righteoufnefs, upon the great and momentous Point! of our Religion, which are the Glory of our R efor– mation; but thife Pointi wiU proveGold, Silver, Precious Stones, when their Wood, HayandStubble wiU be burnt up. T befe wiU have a verdure and greenneft on them , whilfl the lnventiom of otherI wiU be blafted and wither. T befe wiU be firm, wbilft othm wanting fomewbat wi.tbin~ TwiU be with them, as 'twas with the Jewifh and Hea– thenilh W orlhip, when a Fate was upon them , a!J the efforts and endeavours of men could not maT): them ftand. Vpon t.he account of what of this exceUent Author bath been already, and wiU hereafter be Publifhed (by the good Providence of God,) we thin~ be may be /oof):d upon as a Perfon raifed HP by God for fome eminent Service in that .Age be lived in; as Augufi:ine, and Otherr, were in their T imu. .And therefore we are not a little ajlonifhed at the Vnwortbineft of Jome Perfonr in this Age, who have made ufe of ttU their Art.r and lntereft, to ./itppreft the Light of this, and other great Luminaries of the Chttrch; who have done what in them lay to eclipfe Start, and of the firft Magnitude, and fi!r little Nicities andNothings, whicb the beft anJ purefo Timer of the Ch11rcb were unacquainted with. But 'tis h11rd to difpute men OHt of Corrupt lnterefis, theft Controverfieswi!J have an eafier decifton at the Great Day. . We