Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to tbe E P H E S I A N S. Secondl_y, They do delight to hear Chrill preached, becaufe their~ head and therefore are prefent. The Text IS exprefs,. Ephrj. ~- ro. he lheweth Srrm. x. ther; the end why to \lim was committed, and fo to others, t.he preaching oi the \.7"V"'.:.J Cofpel. To thr intmt, that 11ow, .mtto thrPrwczpa!Jtus and Powers m Heavmly places, tmg/:ft 6e .kttOW1J 6J the Church, tht ~allifotdwtfdomof God, They do not know it out ofthe Scripture fimply,but as 1t IS opened 10 the Church, by the Minillers of the Church, tor the good of the_ Church, fo they c?me td know it and they delJght to do fo, for fo you have It, r Pet. r. 12. Saith he, fpeak ing of the F'atbers before, in the Old Tellament; .It WtU revra!rd ttntd them, that 11 ot zmto thernfelves, 6111 tmto tiS they dtd mnt~flrr thi! thn,gs wh 1 ch arntow reportrd mttoyott, (he fpeaks In general,) ry them .that preached the Go(pel, with the Holy Ghorf (ent downfrom Heavm, which thi1,gs the Allgels dt}ire to took into. The Angels they are prefent,and they are glad to hear Chrifl: ia:d open, and .prea~hed unto":!~~. ~o hear therr head fpoken of, they are Wor1]1ippers together With us of Chnll. . Then rhirdly, Here on Earth they have jo)l when any poor foul is con~<erted. As they come to Church, fo they obferve whoIs wrought upon ; when they fee a poor foul go home and hunible himfelf, fall clown upon his knees and become a new Creature, news is prefently carried up_to Heaven, for rh e Text faith. Luc. 15.10. Th,tttherrujoy i11theprejence of the A1,ge/s of God, (that is, in the Court of Heaven, amongll them all, fo the word flgnifieth, ;,..;,.,,in the face of oil the Angels it is the fame word ufed, Lttc, r 2, 8. Hm1 jbrz/1 the So11 of mrm confefs hforr ~he_ Angels of God, he will own him in hisCourr, and confefs him in the prefence, 10 the face of all theA9gels; fo there IS ;oy amoogll the Angels, they rejoyce before God,). over?ne St7mer thtlt IS COIJVerted, over a poor foul that is gathered unto Clmfr therr head.. . This a!Tociation, my Brethreo, . we have With them , befides all the fervices they do us (which I cannot lland to repeat and recl<on up unto you,) for oll the Angels are'our lellow·fervants, Jo that Angel calleth himfelf, Revel, 22. 9· And 7aco6's Ladder that touched Heaven, the Angels afcend~d and defcended upon it, and Chrill himfelf, John I. 5 l. Interprets It, that he IS the Ladder., they all come down upon him, and afcend upon him, for the fervice of men. He is their head their ruler, their governo,ur. Bu't as we have in this world this a!Tociation with them,fo in the world to come we fl1all all worfl1ip God with one worlhip, both Angels and men together. Such he there in the r2th. Hrb. the place f quoted before, you are come to the Mouor Sio1t, fohe calleth the Church; which confilleth both of Angels and men, (as I obferved before,) Mount Sion, you know,was the place ofGod's worlhip, what is his meaning then, when he faith, you are come to the Moum Sio11, to the Hea" venly Jert~jJ!em ? You are all come, faith he, to the place ofworlhip, whither Angels aie come up; (for all the Tribes came up there, to that Mount Sion to to worlhip God,) the Mount wherea ll rl1e Angels are, and where all the fouls of ju(\ men rriade perfecr; lhall come up in their fucce!Iion , ·and all to worfhip God, It is called Mount Sio11, becaufe itinheplace of God's worJhip: And that which we tranflate the company of Angels, l"f'""'· it isthe folemn a!Tembly of Angels · fo the word fignifieth, fuch an ,alfembly as was at a foJemn Feafl: of the Jews; wh1ther all the people came up. The men that dwelled at Jem[alrm, he com– pareth them to the Angels, for that IS th,err (landrng feat and dwelling; and we that are upon eaitl~, he compareth to the Tribes that came up to the folemn Af– fembly, to the folemn Feall. And he,cal!eth ·th,em the· general A!Teinbly, fo~ thete God will have alll)JS Children,apout h1m. So that both' Angels and we one day, fl1all be common. worfl1ipp.ers, 1 live in orye Kingdom togerlier; we lhall be as Angels, fo Mat. 2:1-. q, ,. , . 11 . . . We are beholding to ,the man Chrifr for doing thj~,.for he bath ble!Ted us wirh Heavenly blellings, as the thiro verfe hath'it. We Jhalllive in one City, in one place.! will givey9u but one ScriptLTefor-\t,anc;! fo I will eod,ft is Zach. ~ -7• There our Savwur Chrill·,~hc Angel of the 1 Covenant; JJ;e makes this promife to 7o/hll,; the H1gh Pncff, _and toZerttb6a,brl, , Tf thou wt)t walk ill my ways, a~d hep my charge 111 my Rort(e, m .my matertat Houje, wht!r thott_art herr below, I will givi! thee ab.etter Hottf' than thu, I wi/lgive thrr plrtHf to walk, amottgfl theje that · T 1. j/a11d