Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to ibc E P.I-l ES I AN S. 'Nay my Brethren Fourthly, there is another divilion yet; T(lere was a fatal w fentenc'e to fcatter m;ns Souls fro~ their Bodies, their ~odies to.go to .t.he Grave, Serm.XII. and to return to duft, which alfo IS fcattercd up and ~owq W!til wmds, God ~ !n1ows where and their Souls to Hell, called thc1r own place. And Laftly: to condude, ~y all ~hf{e gatl;, ThiT are gather'd to t~e De• vi!, as their Hq~d and Pnnq;·, thOJ.I&h they kno~not of lt; who 1s th~ Prmce o( tll('rVorld, tll~t ruJ9s it, ~nd the Gar/ If( thsr World, tl)3t. IS worll11p~ by the Childrt~1 Of 'Bifofm/ietJ~f· Wha~ ~ m1ferable jhm~rmg 1s here; all m Earth broken in pieces, a~d all1~ Heaven. ,<\nd thus have I reprefented to you, the · ftate and condition of Maq dtfpcrfr. Now I muft thew you, Secondly, That Jrfru Chrifl bath made all o1u again; I muft go over aiJ.thefe particulars, and make it good, that's the Second thing. Firft (as I told you) all things 011 Earth were cut off from God. What doth eh rift do firft '1 He makes pe~c~ with Goq, ~hat wa~ the great buGnefs of all the reft; make peace with him, and all elfe will fall in. This Chrift did Cotoj[. 1 , 20 . Hil:vi11g madepeace through the blood of hu. Cro(s, by h1m. to r~COIICIIe aiJ things tmto himfeif, whether they be th~11gs 111 earth, or thmgs m heavnt: Here you fee it; I need name no more Scnptures, for I m1ght g1ve you many for ir, In the Second place, A11gels, they tome to be reconciled; you heard before they were Enemies. I willlhew you it in the general firft, and fccondly in the particulars. . . Firft, in the General , They were Enen11es before you heard; you <hall fee that the Angels in Chrift are made friends to Souls and Bodies. ReadLuke Ij';l 8,g,w. Chrilt makes there a companfon of a Woman that had /of/ her Groat, · and Jbe ltgbts a C..mdte tmd f<.tJeeps her ho~ I and whm jhe bad {ou11d it, jhe calls irt herfriends andIJetghpot<rJ:, mtd,jazthjhe, Re;oyce wzth me, for I have jou11d my Groat which wao: loft. Who are thofe Friends? the Qext :W<;>rds thew that they are Angels; for 1t 1s addedm the very next verfe, There u ;oy in the prefmcr of the A11ge!s of. God over a Simter tha~ u co?JVerted•. . They are made friends you fee, the Text 1s exprefs for 1t' And m token of 1t what do they ! Look in the jcc011dof Luke, they are fo far Friends; that as foon as they kne\v the Saviour of the Worldwas born, they came flying down a whole Troop of them, their hearts were full of it, to bring men the News of it; and to <hew their rejoycing, they ling; t.hey were glad at heart, and ling, Pepce on earth, Good·witttowards Mm.They are the firft Melfengers ofthatgladTidi11gs;verfe q Sudd"'!J tbtre wqs With the Angela multltttde of the heave11/y Hojl pra1ji 11 g God, a7tdj!!J'ing, Glory to Go9in the highefl, Peace ill earth, aJJd Good-wilt to• wards mm. Every where you.thall find AHge/s defcribed throughout the whole Scripture to be the heavenly Hoft, becaufe they are the Men of War, they are the Militia of Heaven, to fpeak in the langu~ge of the Age; [q they are called in that jec011dof Luke, and they are every where elfe fo called, r ICing. 2 2 • , 9 , 2 J(il;g.6. r?· Matt.26.n. Chnft calls them Legio1u, ss the Devils a•c called; Now, my Brethren, whatdothefe Angels that were Souldiers, Enemies, War– riours againft Devils and Men? They come in all their W~rlike habit and at– tire down to Earth, and proclaim Peace. It became them fo to cto. A multitude of beavc1l/y Soutdiers, faith be,praijing God,andfayit<f?, G~ory,f~c. What do they fay? God IS at peace wah men, and We are at peace With men· we are in our ,1rmour frill, but it isto fight for this Gofpel we preach: As in ;he Revelation, I am 1h;• Fetlow-fe.va1tt, faith he, m1dof th.J Brethre11, that have the teflimoJJjl 4· ,Yt{tts. If any man have tbeteflimo':Yof.JefM, and hold it forth; If you be for ]e(M, we are for .tef<U and foryou too, faah he. Angels and Men are friends, 'P(r~t. 34· T They encamp a6o11t the Sai11ts. All that heavenly Hoft iurns all their Weapons now for Chrift, and for the Saints: Therefore when AhtJb went to figbtinthat I Ki11g.21.19· the wholeHojl of heavm app;ared; for the whole Hoft of heaven ftandeth read}i' to defend the Gofpel, they are all Friends to Chrift and the Saints: fo that you fee that all in Heaven is for them, Seeanother place, Ge"·l2·I,2. When poor.7acob went out to meetE(a11, he wentouttrembling before; but the Angels of God met him, and faith he, this is God's Hofl; there were two Hofls of them, Mahanaim, two Troops, fo he caJleth them. Y Now;