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to the E P H E S I AN S. '5 will give all good things, How 11/IICh more jhatt 1101 y our Father which is ill~ Heavm giv.goodth111gs? Matrh.7. 12. ~n-m.l. And ;!though Peace, as well as Grace, are both of them from God the Fa-~ ther, and both alfo from the Son (for God is the God of Peace, Heb. Jl· 20. as well as Godof Grace, 1 Per. 5'· 10. And hkewtfe Je(m Chrr(/ he ts the Pri11ce of Peace ( and foPea;e i~ his gift) fo Grac~ alfo, and therefore the Grace of our Lord Jefus, is wtfh d 111 the eod ot all Ept!lles, of whom we are gracwuily accepted (faies verf. 6. of this c;:hapte~.) Yet, . . . [Grace from the Father] Itls more uf~ally and efpec;ally attnbuted toh111l, Gt.cdmm for iris his free grace that chafe us ( vrrf. 4, 5', 6. of this Chapter compared) that alfo ju!lifies us, Rom. .3· 24, t!lc. And as he is the Fountain of the Deity, fo is his fru grace th~ fpnng of peace, and alfo of all thofe works of the other two Perlons for us. [Peacefrom Jeftu CjJrifl] and this is from him in a more peculiar manner, for Peace more thecha(/tjemmt of o11r_Peace wa< upo11 htm, lfa.)·3· and he ts Jmd to have made .Cp<6•1lyfrom peace by 1 he blood of his Crofs, Col,t. 20. and thereupon God out of hts free Chnn. , (;race owns us, accepts, ju!lifies us. , And although the Particle f~on: Jefus Chri!l be not in the Origina!, yet other Epi!lles warrant the pumng tt m, fo 2 Joh. 2, hath It expre!ly from the Fa– ther, and from Jefus Chri!l,.and the Grammatical con!lrucbon in thofe parallel Salutations, Gat. 1, and 2 Ttm. 1. 2. do all evmce It agam!l the Cavils of fame Hereticks. Now laflly, Both Grace and Peace may be faid to be from the Father, and From both in the Lord Chri!l in a double fenfe : Firjl, Efficient!y, that is, in refpeCl: of real a doubldcofc. influence into thefe things themfelves, as the Authors and caufes of both. Thus God the Father is the Author of Grace in his Decreeing firft to fet his love upon us : and Chri!l our Lord in J'u.rchaling all that good which was out of this love Decreed. And Srcmtdly, ObJeCl:tvely, that 1s, tlus Grace and Love in God the Father, and this peace and fatisfaCl:ion that is in Jefus Chri!l, as they come to be moreand more apprehended by us, .they thereby come to be more and more comm"mcated unto us, and multtphed Ill us and upon us. This that Benediction, 1 Pet.1.i. evidently holds forth, Grace and Peace (the fame things there wifh'd) be multiplied unto you, Through tbe knowledge of God, and of Jejtu Chrifl; mark how he fates, through the kt1ow!edge, &c. the meaning is, that as thofe two perfons are the caufe of thefe things towards us ' fo through our apprehenfion of them, and of what they have done there~ in for us, and wrought in us, thefe are increafed towards us, and multiplied up· onus. Butthen you will fay, Where is the Holy Spirit? Hereis only God the Fa- Why the hoJ ther, and Jefus Chri!t mentioned as thofe that he wi01ed Grace and Peace unto Ghofii. ooc Y from the Holy Gho!l; What lhould be the reafon ofthat ? meonooed. For Anfwer Firjl, It is not that the Holy Gho!l is not the Author of both A.~ thefe as well as the Father a"d the Son, nor that he is not intended here in this '~w. ' · blefTing; No, the works of the Trinity are·und ivided; if therefore from the Father and Son, then alfo fro_m the Holy Gho!l; and to this purpofe it is obfervable, that by that foremenuoned form of blefTing prefcribed the Priefts in the Old Law, the word "jehovah (as we obferved) is repeated Thrice, to note it was pronounced in the name of all three Perfons. And befides once in the New Te!lamenr it felf, you have Grace and Peace in one Benediction wilh'd from all three Perfims, and therein the Spirit mentioned as well as God the Father, and God the Son, and it is in the !aft of all Apo!lolical Benedictions in the la!l Book of all [the Revelations] Chap. 1. Firfl, From God the Father; and fo in v erf. 4- Grace and Peace from him, that i&, mtdwM, mu/ is to come. Then Seco11d!;·, Prom the Holy Gho(/: fo it follows [ a11d (rom the jevm Spirits J (the Ho!¥ Gho!l betng fet forth by the fulnefs of thofC gifts, (even a number of perfeC:hon) which he works in us, for tbo11gh tbrre bt diver/ity ofp'ft.r, yet "'"and the .fame Spmt, 1 Cor. '4· 4•) And then Thirdf)·, FromChrijl and jiw11 Jrjiu Chnjl, &c. verj' 5, ' Yet