An Expofltion of the Epifole ~ i might urge this lil<ewifefrom that in Ephej.6.12, where they are called, as Sermo11 PritJCJjJalzties and Powers, !o they are called the Rtders of thu World. A• XXXII. Rulers of the World ( they areRulers •in that refpeCl:,) fo Prmcipalzties and v-v""'J 'Powen amongfi themfelves; dpx.<• and ;~,.;.,, they are both Prittcipa!ities and Powers, fame are Chief, and fome are lnferiour; for by ;g,,;., or PotejlaJ, is meant lnfertottr Magijlrates, unlefs the word Hzgher be added for difiin– Cl:ions fake, as Rom.r 3. 1. Let every Sottl be fu6je[f to the Hzgher Powers. So much now for the Devils, that there is a fubordin ation amongfi them. there are Principalities and Powers among them, and there is one chief £ 1 x.•v,tha~ is, the Pritlet of 'lJevils; the Pri11ce of thu World, as our Saviour calletb him, and the PritJce vf the power of the Air. Then come to the good A11gels, and you lhall find the like. In 'lJmuo.q. there cometh an Angel to 'lJanul, and (as I lhalllhew you anon) he was a created Angel; but however that is not to the purpofe whether he was or no, He cometh to Da11id, and fpeaks of another Angel belidcs himfclf. He faith, Thn·e wa.< '"' A11gei that touched him, and bad hzm not frar, and excufeth why he had not come to him fooncr,. though his 'fra.yers were hears many daics be– fore; fo you read verfe 12. Sattb he, verfe 13. The Pr111ce of the Ki11gdom of Pnjia wzthjlood me 011e mid twmty daies; But to, (fatth he) Michaet,o11e oftbe chief Pri11ces camt to hdp me, a11d 1 remai11ed there with the Kings of Perjia, To open thcfe words unto you. Here are two Angels fpoken of~ whereof one mentioneth the other. There is one appearetb to. 'Daniel, and tellcth him a fiery df Michael, an~tner Angel; and if you mark It, he fatth tins Mtchaet IS the firfi of the Chtef Pnnces, Cer– tainly he is compared with thofe of his own rank, he is not compared with the Chief Princes of this ~orld? with Men; it is certainly in refpeCl: of Angels; if fo, then there are Cluef Pnnce• amongfi them; and m 'Datt. 12. t. Thm jha!J Michaet fland up, thegrMI Prina, (!$c, who is the firjl of the chief Prittcrs. And they are called Chief Princes too, in refpeCl: of others of their own rank namely Angels, who are not of the Chief Magifiracy as thofe Princes are faid t~ be of, for you mufi make all Comparifons in refpeCl: of the fame kind, This word nere, the Firff, or One, it cloth not alwaies imply one that is above the refi in Authority, but it is ufed of the firfi in Number; as in all Bodies where • there is an Arijlocracy, where you have m~ny that are Chief Magifiratcs, there is one tjat is firfi in rank, firfi mnumber, as Peter was amongfi the Apo!Ues. and as it is in Gen.I.); that which we trant!ate thejr/1 day, it is 011e day, fo th~ word lignifieth, that is, the firfi in number; for we fay, One in reckoning ~wo, three,&c. So this great Angel here, he was the firfi ol the rank of the chief Magifiracy of Heaven, I will not determine as fome have undertaken to do, not Papifis only, but Protefiants, and that of late, that there are .Sevm of thefe Chief Princes, Att• gels. There is an Old Tradition amongfi the Rabbilu, it is older than Chrifr, and it is in the Book of Tobit, where the Angel is brought"in (peaking to TobiM, I am Raphaet ( faith he) ""of the Sevm Angds that fland miniflri"g 6efore the Holy One. I will not, I fay, inlifi upon that, for I know indeed no full ground for it in the Book of God, though there are many pretty alluftons to make it good, as the Sevm Spirits that jlmul hfore the Thro11e of God, mentio– ned both in Zach11riah and in the Revelatiott, which fay they, are thefe Seven Chief Angels. I will not fiand confuting of this, only there is one Argument againfi it, which I never yet faw anfll•ered; That in the Revelatio11 cannot be meant of the Se· ven Angels, for in the firfi Chapter, hewilhethGracemJd Peacefrom God, and from the Sevm Spirits that rJre before hio Throne, andfrom 7efi1S Chrifl,f!!c. He would never have wilhcd Grace and Peace from Archangels and left the Holy Ghofi out, and fo rank them with the Father and the Son, We find evidently, that this Michael that is here in 'Dmtiet, called the jrfl of the Pri11ces, in the 9th verfe of the Epifile of Jrtde he is called an Archrmget, as Chrifr you know is called , the Great Shepherd mid Btjbop of o11r Souls, t>r as you fay here, an Arch/;ifop, (o he IS called here an Archa11gd. And