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to the E PH E S1 A N S. And it its certain, the Angel there mentioned in .7ude was not Chrifl:; Why ? ~ Becaufe it is fa id, that Whm he dJjputedwllh the 'Devtl avo11t thebodJof Mojes, Sermon he d 11 rjl 11 ot bring; Mark,that word, He dt~rJI.not. Our Savtour Chnfl: was not XXxii. Incarnate when Mofes died, how can it be fa1d of the Son of God,that he durfi ~ 110 t? It mufl: be fpoktn of theSecond Perfon, if that Interpretation hold, for he was not then lncarnlte; therefore it is certain hewas a created Angel that is called there an Arch,u,gel. And in 1TheJf. 4 16. you !hall find mention made of the voice of The Arch,mget, not the voice of An Archmtgt!; .but.the L_ord jhrzfl de(cmd with tht votce of the Archrmgd; fo that he 1s dtlltngutfhed from Chrifl:, fo as 1t IS not Chnll. Now the Notion I drive it to is this: Here is a fuborclination you fee, here are your chief Pri11ces, which for my par_t I think are Archa11gfls, whereof this Michae! 1s one, the firfl: m order, as Peter was the firfl: of the Apo!l!es, though they were equal. For I. find this in Colojf. r. t6. where he reckoneth your inviilble Magtflracy, he dotn not reckon any one 10 Heaven as Supream and alone above all the reO:; but he reckoneth Thro11es and 'Domi11io11s, What is meant byThrones? Thofe that have Kingly power,Superiourpower; for by Thrones is alwaies meant the power of Ktngs. Now he doth not fay, there ts o11e Thr01u, o~e Angel in Heaven above all the reO: in authority, as a King is over his Subjeds; but he makes an Ari{lon·acy of it, he faith they are Thro11es, like fo many Kings; for the{ewn Cou11[ellors of the Kings of Perjia,are called Ki"$S in 'DmJ.IO.Ij. I rtmrmted there, fatth he, Wtlh the Kwgs of Perjia; wluch were thefovm Coun(ellors mentioned in Ejlh.t.r4• Therefore the King of Perji.J is called a King of lGut,s. So now, there are Thr'o11es indeed in Heaven amongfl: the Angels, there are thofe that are the chief Princes, that are as Kings in comparifon of the reO:, ~hereof this Michaet is the firfi; but there is not in Heaven one Angel above all the reil, I know no ground for that. And I have this further Reafon to fecond it, The dtfference between Heaven and Hell: For in He/J there is aKingdom fet up ogainfl: Chrifl:, and •that is re– folved into a Monarchy; but in Hravm, though fame (I know not how many) areTbrotus, yet they are all under one King, who is the Ki1tg of Kings, the Lord Jefus Chrifl:, he is the King of Angels, the Head of all Principaliti'es a11d Powers, and there is not one created Angel over all the reO:. They are called Thrones, I fay, not a Thront, when he fpea!<S of lnvifible Governments, Co– Jo§.t.t7. Only there is that objeded in Reve!.t i. 7· where -it is f•id, that Michael a11d his A11gels,fottght agai11j/ the 'Drago11 and hi& A11gels. And it is cenain,though Angels are·not intended there, yet it is an allufion unto them. It is ?lain, An– gels are not intended there, !or it is .faid verfe rr. that thofe An~els overcame 6y the Blood of the Lamb, and that they loved not their lives unto the death. Yet however, the alluilon is to this great Angel, thot is, the firfl: of the Chief Princes; and becaufe he is the firfl:, the firfl: in order, the fitfl: i!' number, (that preheminence indeed 'Da11iel giverh him,) thererare the reO: are called hi& An• gels; but yet he is not their Prince by way of authority, as the gteat Beelze/;ufj is amongfl: rhe Devils. You !hall find this, (to confirm this Notion) tllot tile Angels are in their [eve~ ral Charg.e~ (a multitude of them) fubordinate to fame one and that thofe have the government of the reO: it ihould feem by that in 1J.mi;t where there is mention made of many that are Chief Princes, ' I will give you a Scripture or two. You fllllllind in the fecond of Lti~e, that to the S~epherds in the Field an Angel is faid to appear, one Angel is fli\1 men– ttoned !or a long While; Aud lo, the AHgel of the Lord t.tme upon thmt, fo verfe 9· A11d the A11getfa'id, Fe11r 11ot,fo verfe t o. But at verfe q. And fud. dtnly thrre wM with the A>1f5el o multitttde of the Reavmly ho(l. He doth not fay A/J the Htavm!y hofl; this was not the chief Angel of all the refr of the Angels, that brought them all down; it was but a Mt~ltit11de of them. The truth is, here is the Hofl: and their General? their Colonel,.as you may call him, thofe Angels that were of hiS Company, 1t goe.s under his name, he fa ith it; .A,;,{