An Expojition of the Epiftle ~ And{ttddmly there wtU with him, that is, there appeared together with him; Sermon he appeared fir!l: and fpake, but they all came down from Heaven together, XXX f. And in Pfal. H·7· (to fpeak !\ill in the language of Souldiers, for they are called ~ theheavmly H•JI,among{\ which there is the grcatc!lorder,) it isfaid, 1he AllgrJ of the Lord mcampeth about them that fear him. Yet you fhall find in Pjitl,91•11 He /hallgive his Affge!s charge over thee : Nay, one Man bath morQ than one Angel; thefe Little otus (faith Chri!l:)th0' have their A11ge!s, And Luk.16.u. The Angels, (not Angel only,) but The Angels did fetch the Soul o11t of Lazarus's body, a11dcarry it to Heavm. But why is it faid in that Hlh Pfalm, One A11gel mcampeth? His meaning is, the Angel and his Ho!l:; as you fay, Such a Colonel bcfieged fuch a City, or quartered in fuch a Town, meaning him and his Ho!l: : fo one Angel and his Company, for one Angel you know cannot properly be faid to encamp, there mull: be to encamp or befiege a l'lace , a Multitude; yet it goeth under his name, beCiiUfe he is the Chief. So that now, both among good and bad Angels you fee there are fome that arc Chief; there is the Angel and his Ho!l:, his Company , that are Centurions (as it were,) or if you will, that are Governours of more, So much now for their Subordination one to another, for that was the fir!l: thing, they are Prin· cipalites and Powers, byPri11cipalities is meant your Chief M4giflrates, and by Powers is meant your Lower Magif/rates. You fee there are Chief of the Princes among!t Angels, that have others under them; therefore in Zach,2.J,4· you find that one Angel appeared and another met him, and the fir!l: Angel fpeaks to the other as one fpeaks to one that is under him 1 Go, faith he, rtm and tett the Prophet, that .1erufalemfhatl be i11habited. He fpeaks as the Cmtttrim: did to his Servants, Hefaith tmto o1u go, mldht gotth. So much I fay for this fir!l: thing, That both good and bad Angels have fubordination among!l: themfelves, There is Pri11cipalities audPowtrs. But in the Second place, They are fa id to be Priltcipalitits a11d Powers, as among!l: thomfelves fo in refpeCt of their government of the affairs of this World. My Brethren, You do not know all the Governours you have; you have not only Kings and Parliaments, and men to rule over you, or that do difpatch and manage the affairs of this World ; but you have good Angels and bad Angels, you have Principalities and Powers of both forts, that do manage the affairs of the World invifibly; Viji61t a11d inviji6lt, faith he, Colof 1.' 7· Fir!\, for the 6ad A11gels, There is a mofl exprefs place for it; it is that in Ephej.6. 12. he calleth them, as Principalitits and Powers, fo Rulers of the dark11eJs of this World; we tranflate it fo, but thofe that know the Original, know it is this "''~'"d."f!l-'• they make but one word of it, Rulers of this World, andthtdarklldsof :t. And ifthebad ·Angels be thus, the good Angels arc much more, nfy Brethren. I will give youbut~ Scripture for it, and it may be it will include both; it is Heb.2.5. V11to tht A11gels, bath he not put in /t~bjeflio11 the World to comt, whereof wejptak? Mark his expreffion, he di!l:inguifbeth; There is a World indeed, faith he, that is not fubjed to the Angels, the World to come; implying that this World is fubjed to the Angels, to bad Angels, as to Plunderers, a~d Robbers, and Murtherers from the beginning, and fowcrs of all dilfention In Kingdoms and Nations, (as you fhall fee by and by,) that fet King, and People, and all together by the ears. And there are likewife ,goodA11gels, that this World is fubjed to, the World to come is not (as I fhall fhew you anon likewile,) and it is fubjed unto them as the prefervers of it, and as the oppqfers and fighters again!l: thefc Evil Angels that would bring all to confufion. You therefore find that the Angels, both good and6ad, are calledgods; it is a title you know Magi~~ates, I havt [aidyt are gods. And it is only due to the Civil Mag1finte, 1t 1s not due to Spmtual Rulers, they are no where calledgods; Why? Becaufe their power is not in a ~ay of command, but thelf power is in a·way of revealing the trmh, and fo workmg upon mens Confc1ences, they are therefore no where called gods, no not the Apo!\les thcmfelves, for they