to the EP HES I A N S. they have not dominion over the·Faith. But ye have good Angels and liad An.~ gels called'gods as well ~s Magiflrates here below,. and they are therefo~e called J'ermo" lo becaufe they are Rulers. Of the Devil there IS an exprefs place, 2. Co~; 4: 4· XXX,ll. ·where the Apoflle calleth him the God of this World, it is all one with that in............,.. 7oh. 12• 31. where he is called the P;ince of this World.. •He is by the Apoflle In one place called the Godof thu fforld, and by Chnfl1n another the Prmceof -this World; and you have nsdear a place that the good Angels are called gods too and that in this refpeCl:, It JSm Pfal. 97· 2. worjb1p h1m all; •e gods; now Jooi< in Ht6. J. 6. where the Apollle quoteth ir, and interprctcth it to be meant of the Good Angels, Let at! the Angels of God worjhip htm; they are'gods,and gods becaufe they are chief Princes as, you heardbefore, The Scripture is e~cecdmg expr~fs tor this. It ~s true that God ruleth the hearts .of his Children by Ius Spmt only m matters fpmrual~ for he Will have none have the credit of being tbe Author fo much as of a good thought, (take it fpiritual. ly) but only his own Spirit; But yet he ruleth the World and the ~>irits of merl fo 'far forth as concerneth civil things, yea, and their aCl:ions fo far forth as they are itt Ordme ad Jpiritfl(llia, in order to fpiritual things, the hearts of Kings and Princes and People for the good of his Church; he ruleth them much by Angels. . I will open to you but that place of Vamdi quoted even now, VmJ. ro, both the q. and the 20. nnd the 2.1. verfes, and Chap. 1 r. verfe 1. compared all toge– ther, In Chap. 10. verfe 1 ~· there is (as I faid before,) an Angel, (and to me ii is plain he was a created Angel!)that cometh'and tell~th V aniel that the Prince of the Kingdom of Perfia had Withflood h1m Twenty One Days; and verfe io. I will rewm (faith he,) tofght witbthe P~i11ce of Perjia; and Chap.11. ver. 1• I am that Angrl (fmhhe,) th,zt m the frflytar of Varzz10 the Mede, did flir him up, m!d I did cmifirmalld flrmgthm him when hegave otlt tht £. dill to lrt the People of God Gilt of Captivity; for it was Vamu did it, you read indeed of ()nu, but Varttu was the Ktng,and {)riM was his General. Now, this Angel here was cert~inly a created Angel. I will give you thefe R.eafons for ir. ·. Firfl,he doth excufe h1mfelftoVame! why he d:d not come fooner to bring him the meil'age from God which he brought. I was dt(fur6ed faith he, I had other lmjifln the Prince of tbeKingdom of Perji'a withflood me TwCIIty 011e day•s fo that I ~ould 1101 comeJooner thoughthouprayedfi and thy words were heard foo~er. He was .therefore a created Angel, for had he been the Son of Gcd he could botli have revealed it to Vm1id and withflood the Prince of Per(ia too. And then he was a created Angel ,beeaufe he faith verfe r ~· that Mich,zel came to help him. If he had been the Son of God he might have done it alone. . And then, (which is as much as any of the refl,) whm he left me (faith he,) IrnnainedwithtbeKingsof Perfia. If he had been the Son of God he had been every where, he could not have been fa id to remain there alone llill to tranf• aCl: that bufines h~ was imploitd in,So that to me it is clear he was acreated Angel: Now the Qgell10n IS, What IS meant by the Pnnce of Ptrjia,for if you mark it there is both the Prince of the Kingdom of Perfi,, and the Kings of Perfi.; men· tioned di(linetly in verfe I l· There are fome, (and ifit be true 'tis all one to my purpofe,) that fay, that this Prince of the KingdomofPerfi.• that withflood this Angel, \vos Cyrus himfclf. or Ce~mby[es his Son whom he left in his room to govern the Kingdom while be 'was in Sc;·thJtJ;for though that Cyrtts in the firfl yeer ~fter he had taken lJ,;bJ•Ion being Ceneral of the Army, h:ld givellliberty to tbe People of the _1ews to come out · of Captivity, yet you fl1all find elfe where that this Cy·rtu recalled his grant, for weread in Nrhemiah that they were forced to wafe the work from the days of Cyrl/4, Now faith the Angtl when the Enemies came and Cy rus to recal bis grant, and there was agreat confultation about it, :i confultorion of 2 I. days, I remained faith he at the Court of Perfoz and did all I could to perfwade aod (\rengthen the heart of Cjrtu, hui I W06 witC.flood in what I would have ac· complil11ed by the hard and obflinate fpirit of the Prince ofthe Kingdom of Per– fit!, but there came one to help me and then I prevailed; and faith he becaufe • the fpirit of the Prince is llippery and apt to return to it fclf again, I am left with him and his Counfellers. I i i Here