Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expojition of the Epiflle .~ ,Here you fee no.,v that this was a creat,ed Angel that dealt with the hearts of S.rmo11 Princes, he dealt with the heart of CyrJn tn the great. a.!fam of the Kmgdom of xxxn. 'ftrftt, to move him to deli~er th.a Pepple out Q! c.aptlVIty.. ~ 'I ou have lil<ewife this fame Mtchud whom I have menuoned lo often, that Archangel that he cam.e to help him, and to lhew you that this Michart was a created Angel, (I lhewed you it before out of the Epil\le of ."fude,) you !hall find in v.erfe 21. that ~e is called their PJince, and Cha.p. 12. 1. At that timejbatJ Mi– chue!flulid ttp, thtgreat 'Prince .wbich f/mJdethfor tht Chitdr.en of thy Pto.plt ; he was the great Angel did_tranfaCl: the affairs for the .'lews: Far .my .part l )< 0 ownot otherwife ho~ it (hould be, it is plain he was acre~ted Angel ; •and it is as plain that he is called their Prince in a fpecial manner, .the Prmc~of this peopl~ of the Jrws, therefore this other Angel that was left with the Kmgs of Ptrjia .to tranfaCl: the there,.,vhtn he could not ,pJevail wit·hCyrtu 1 he called in this Mtehaet one of the chief of the Prin.ces to help aiid aflifi him. And read Chap. 11. ver,fe ,·, thtre you lhall fee this Angel faith that he did deal with 'Datizu the ]>fede, and caufed him to grant out that Decree for tile building ofthe Temple,I flood (faith he,) to cotifirm a11d flrmgthm him. So you fee that thefe good Angels, ( for thefe were all good hulinelfes,) they have a great 1\roke in Kingdoms tor the good of the Church ; yea they are called their Princes, Micbaet)'Ottr Priuc!, as having a fpecial tare over that People of ~he Jtws, and by God,.( for that time ~t leaft,) deligned uruoir. ,Now~y Bmhren, for my pa.r.t I mufi confe(s that I rather think this Prince of the i;(i~gdom of PerjirJto be an .eyil Angel than,to be the King of Perjiahimfelf, and my ~eafon is this, bec~ufe the King"of Perfiaboth Cjrtts andCam6yfts, ( for there we,re t;.vo ofthem,) are afterward menrion.ed by adiftinct word from what is ,ufed of the Prince of the Kingdom of Perfia. I w M lift (raithhe,) with f ht K~tjgs of Perfo,, there he fpc,ak> of men, now "."hen he faith the Prince of thr J(mgdomof Perfia, asdil\inCl:fromthem, I tlunkhe ~T~eaneth plainly the Devil. . · Aod I haye this further reafoo for it, becau(e he faith, I will rttttrn tofight with the P,rinct of Perfia; not that Angels in matters of the Church do oppofe ,i:Yway of fighting, for he faith q. that tht Pritrct of the Ki11g• llomof Perjtit u,ithj/oodhim, he~ould not fuggeft that which he would toCyrm Pu.t !he Devil did oppofe him; as now in Rtwl. 1 is faid ther~ was Michael anahu Angetsfottght with the 'IJrago11and hu A~tgels; though tt be an allulion fet it arguetl1 thus mu~h, that there is oppolition between Angel and Angel. 'And (o when it is faid verfe 20. When I amgottforth the Prittct of Grecia }baD comt; fhere will another wicked Angel come, (for they call one another,) as Mich.::./ 1elped the other good Angel, fo the Prince of Grecia would help the bad one ' for fhe Devil knew well enough that the Empire would come toGruce and tha: the ."/tw s if they were kept in Captivity would fall into the hands of the Greci• all ¥on~rch,and fo their Captivity lhould have been continued I know not ho1 v l?ng, and la rh~ Prince of Grecia that wi.cked Angel that was deputed a.t that / u~.e for the affatrs?f Gr~ece comet~ and Joy_neth Wtth the P~mce ofthe Kingdom o. 'Perjiaboth agaml\ thts Angel, for the Pnnce of Ptrjiawrthfiood the delivery of the People out of Captivity. Now my Brethren, , if this interpretation will not hold, (the other place in Ephtf, (>. lhewed that tne bad Angels do deal and are rulers in this World 1 have at le~fl made this good out of. this place, that the good Angels deal in '!he go· vernment of the ~hmgsof tlus world, and they.h~ve a peculi~r allotment, Mi· ch.ul IS qlled thetr Pnoce. The like you have mReve/.12. where Michad and hi< Alfgelsfot~ght againjl tht 'Drago11 a1tdhis A~tgds. Now, I yieldyouthatthisisbutanallulion, and that the fcope istofet our the oppofirion that is made by wicked men on Earth againfl the godly here; but yet the allufion IS to the light that iS between good and bad Angels. And r will tell you I\ hat the occalion was in 'Daniel.The occalion·was,whether the People of lfr.Je/ lhouldbe delivered out of Captivity or no, whetherrhc Temple flwuld go on