Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expo(ttion of the Epifile ~ 1 wiil give you a clea~ in!lance for it. It is faid, Revel. 1 5· 1, 2, ;. that the Sermo1t Dragon d1d give his feat to the Bea!l, the fame Dragon and IllS Angds that is cal– XXXI!. led tue Old Serpent, Chap. 12. he faith plainly that he did give the Pope hispowV'""\1""".1 er and his feat and great authority, and he ruleth and ads that State to this day; and therefore in 2 "Tbef. 2. 1 o. ir-is faid that that man of fin works with all de– ceivcabkncfs of Satan, and that God giveth him up to the deccivablenefs of er– ror by the Devil. Thus you fee the Devil hath wrought in all the Monarchies , and doth to this day, and that Kingdom or !late or any part of it that oppofcth the Lord Cluilt, it is the Devil that works in it, and good Angels and bad Angels where there arc Wars have as much to do as men have, and do oppofe by fugge!lio.ns to the Spi– rits ot" men, and have as great a hand in the affairs of the World as men haye, they arc the Rulers, the invilible Rulers of this WorW, they are the Principa1i– ries and Powers here in the Text, which our Lord and Saviour Chri!lts fet over. So then I have made this plain unto you that there are not only Principalities in this world, vi!ible ones, but invi!ible ones over this World. Now in a word, to manife!l this too, that our Lord and Savioar Jefus Chri!l he is above all thefe, he is above Kings and Angels and Devils, they all but ferve his turn, he is exalted, faith he, far above all Principalities and Powers and every name be it what it will b(>vi!ible or invifible, they were .all made by him, and all made for him, and they all ferve him. You think Kings rule the World, it is certain that good and bad Angels rule the World more, and it is certain that Jefus Chrift ruleth the World more than all thefe. Fir!l, That he is above, far above good Angels, I fhall not need to infift mucl; upon it, you have a clear place for it Heb. 1. 6. Let att tbe A11gels of God wor• fbzp bim. Now, to give you a Scripture out of the Old Teftament, that all the Angels of God worfhipped Chri!l, in !fa 6. •· he faith, 1 jtsw God jittiltg ttpo" his Tbront, attd abollt st flood tbe Cbertt6ims, a1zdtbey covered tbtir faces wtlb thtir wi11gs; covered their faces in token of fubjedion, as Women cover their faces in the Church, in token of fubjeCl:ion, fo did .the Angels; now who was this that appeared then updn the Throne that the Prophet here fpeaks of? Read .7obn 11.. 41. Chri!l plainly faith i_t was himfelf, Tbefe tbiltgs . ( laitl1 he,) fud E– {mtUw he11 btJaw bisglory•, havmg referenceto that 6tb, of ljat. So then my Brethren, they worfhip him, which argueth an infinite di!lance , for though the Wcrfhip be but a created thing, yet my defire is infinite, becaufe I cannot reach to glorifie God as I would, and therefore it is proper only to God. Secondly, You /hall find that he ufeth them as Agmts, at his pleafure. Look in Hrb. 1. 7· It is faid there, he made his Angels Spirits, and his Mini!lers a tlame of fire. This place is quoted out of Pjat. 104- + Re makes bis Angels, he made them on purpofe to be his Spirits,or as the word is in the He6rew,his Winds; that look as the Winds execute the Will of God, fo do thefe Angels at any time, they arc hisWinds to Ay up and down the World; You fee Chri!l here•pon Earth he commanded the Winds and they obeyed him, fo he commandeth Angels and they obey him, they are his Winds, and his Minifters a tlame of fire; look as Thunder and lightning obey God, they all do his Will, fo do thefe obey Chrifl, and they have Power like to Winds and to Thunder and Lightning; Lightning you !mow isa fubtle thing, it killeth, and a man knoweth not how, fo do Angels,rhey have the fame force and much more, therefore he compared! them to it. And in the !aft verfe of that lir!l to theHebrews they are faid to be fent our,by whom? By Chrifi, of whom he had fpoken in all that fir!l Chapter. Then come to bad Angels, and he is far exalted above thefc. When he firfi af– ccnded, heleft them in the Air, they are under his feet indeed. ~ will give you but a place ortwo. Colof. 2. 14· It is faid he fpoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a fhew of them openly, and triumphed over them; He fpoiled them .;,.,. J'o,;..,g. , he took away their Weapons, the word alludeth to that, for that was the manner of thofe th~t conquered,they tool>away the Weapons of thofe that they conquered. He