Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expojition of the Epiftle "'-"-""" The rirfl: is this. If I have not reckoned all forts of Power, faith he, think Sermon of any thing e!fe that I have not mentioned; if t ltere be any that I have not XXX{f. named (as alfuredly they are,) I will comprehend it under one General; Every ~ Namethatunamed, llotoniyillthssWorld, /;ut "'lfo f" that which u lo cvme, whatfoever it be. And by Name is meant often in Scripture, Authority; as in the Name of Ghrtj/, that is, in the Authority of Chrif/; and as we fay, in the Ki11g's Name, that is, in the King's Authority. I will not fl:and upon it. In Earth there were fame he bad not reckoned, in Heaven amongfr Angels rhere were fame he could not reckon; therefore if there be any Name, faith he, it is all fubjeCl: to Chrifr, That is the meaning of tbefe words, And then again, There is another Reafon why he addeth this, [Every Name that is 11amed] to Principalities and Powers, becaufe Name is a larger word thanPowers. There may be Names in this World, Perfons there may be and Excellencies that have not power; and fo there may be Excellencies in the other World, that have not power and authority. Therefore faith he, be it what it will, be it what Excellency it will, be it whatfoever it will, Jefus Chrifl: is ex– alted far above it, fo far that all is under his feet. Now by Names, as I take it, is meant both Perfons, and Excellencies or Dignities. , tirfr, All Perfons are meant by thi• Every Ntme, I will give you a Scrip– ture or two for it. AEf. r. 1). The 1mmbrr of the Per(o11s (we tranilate it fo, in the ·Greek the word 1s, The t~um~rr of the 11/amrs) were 011e hmzdred mzd twenty. So that when he faith Every Name, he'meaneth every Perfon. That is the lirll. Secondly, It is put for Excellmcy, 'Dignity, Glory, be it whl\,t it will. Gen.6. 40. The men of theOldworldarecalledMenof Name, [o the word is in the Hebrew, and therefore the Grecians call men famous and of renown, Mn1 of Name; and Jo/; 30.8, Jo/; calleth Bafe men, Men without Namr. No~ then the meaning is this, That not only Jefus Chrif! is advanced above all Power and Authority, but above all Perfons, and all Excellencies and Dig– nities, or whatfoever thing cloth excel; fuppo(e not Power only, but Wifdom, Learning,orwhatfoeveritbe. Letonebe famous, have a name for what he will have; any Angel in Heaven, or any Man in this world, or the world to come; all Creatures whatfoever, and all excellencies of Creatures, JefiiS Chrifi bath a better name than they: fo faith the Apo!lle He/;. 1 + He bath o/;taillfd a more e.wellmt Name than the A11gels, and he bath this by Inheritance, which now he is exalted unto; and therefore in the fame Chapter, he fpeaks of his jitti11g at theright hand of God. The fcope of the Chapter is to fhew, both the excellency of his Perfon, that he hath a 6etter Name than all things, and the Superiority of his place, He jitteth at the t'ight hand of God; A11d to which, faith be, of all the Angels faid he at any time, Sit on my right handun– til I make thine Enemies thyfootflool. Sonow(my Brethren) I have opened that. I il10uld come to have fhewn likewife what is the meaning of thefe words, ]tJ this World, and the World that u to come; but I will omit that now, and make fame Obfervations upon what bath been delivered, and fo conclude. The Firfl: Obfervation that I fhould have made is this, That there are two Worlds. But I mufl: referve that. But the Second is this; That there are differing Names and Excellencies in this World, and that which is to come. Men that have great Names in this World, will be(many of the.m) without Names in the World to come; they will be vile perfons without Names, as you heard out of Jo/1, Men that ilJaJI be faved, and have great names for Saints here, yet they may be the leajl i11 the Ki11gdomof God, in the Worldtocome; the.firf/ are oftentimcs Jaf!, and the lafl are lirfl, What Names you fhall have in the world to come, let tlm be the main care of your Souls; Noli',