Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to .the E PH \ES·I AN S. 433 •Now.whatha·ve men Names for ? For famous Atts d~. 'bo ·taini:ius A eh,~ .which lhalllJave·renown, if you will have aname in theWorld to come. Afte·r Sermon .the~d•y .of Judgment, though there be no power ana principallty,_yet there:iri: :xxx,u. .Name• ,for•e\'tr; fh.,refore l fay, the word Name Is larger than that of Prin· ~ cipatJt"andPower; Cbrifl \Will put down all prihcipalit'y and power, both of .Angds,-llnd Men, <tnd of :Devils, bur there will 'be Nam~s_remaining flill. Paut :will have·agreater name 10 Heaven for ever, than other SauJts have. •My •Bretnren 1 ·Seek not after Nam:cs. here, _to be great ·aqd famous iri the t:hurch of Clod; ·but delire that (and 1t IS fincerlry only d6th 1t) wh1ch !hall get o/ou a Iboiter _Name in the World to come.. What do' I cilre io be judgedby rwn's cla-y, faith the Apoflle. he fpeaks fo I!Ighrly of 11',. there 1s God's day; lt•i6 nor (fa•th he) how thmgs..appcar now, and what oaine I have now· but what·itwill be in <Jod's day and in Chrifl's day, in the World to come; 'Who jhaUfit at Chrifl's right ha11d, and who at his left, as it was not Chrifr's .to give, {o it is not ours to know. Poor Saints that !land in the Alley may fit at Chrifl's right hand, when another, one that yet goeth to Heaven, and bath a great re• pute in this World, not only Civil, but in repute otherwife too, may !land at his left in comp.rifon. There will be Names, my Brethren, different from what is in this World. 'that is the fecond Obfervation. · Thirdly, You fee that all Principntitirs and Powtrs, they are fubjected td Jefus Chrifl. Then fear not Devils, fear nothing, lt is the ufe the Apofrle makes Rom.S.utt. I amptrfwndtd(fauh he)that netther .Angels, nor principn· litin, ~ro~ powers, nor thi1rgs prejmt, nor things to co111e, fhntl 6e able to Jrpa– rate U< from the Lovr of (iod, wh1ch is i11 Chrzf/.7r}m o11r Lord. It is nor as if" the good Angels would hinder you; but the Apoflle,though he knew they would not, yet he makes that fuppofirion , as he dorh Gn/.1.6. If nil Angrt from Rea" ven (faith he)preach tmyother Gofpel; he might well think a good Angel from Heavon would never preach any otller Gofpel, but he makes a Suppo~tion of it, meerly !o ll1ew the truth of this Gofpel: to here, to lhew the certainty of the efiate of the Eletl,he makes aSuppolition. Suppofe (faith he) they fhould, yet fear not; why? becaufe .Jejtu Umfl.fineth tJt the right b,md of G0 d, and bath .A~gds, and Principalities a11d Powrrs unda h11n, fo you have it 1 Pet. J· utt. f.~::; ~~o~ .~~~~~' fl::ll not, [o it is certain li~ewife that evil Angels lhail. not; good Angels w1ll not, and bad Angels lhall not. . Matt.16._r 8. S31th he, I 'Wilt build my Cburch upon this Rock, that is, tbh Faith and Confeiiion, that Chri(l is the Son of God, and a heart and life anfwerable, niJdthe Gatrs of Hrtl jha/J 1101 prevail agm11/1'{t; they inay affault it, but tHey fhall not prevail. . My .Brethren, This Devil whom you fear, and who tempteth you, as Jefus Chrill: bath him under his feet, fo he wlll have him under your feet too one day; do but fia·v a while, he lhalltreud down Satan u11deryo,;r[ut fhordy, 1{i.2o. Yoll need fear nothing therefore, either 1n H<aven or in Earth. The fourth Obfervation is this: I have told you there are two forts of Ru· lers in this World; there are vijibtt ones, whom you all reverence an adore, as indeed you ought to do, Principalities and Powers here in this World, the H,igher Powers, Superiour Dignities; .but there are greaiet than thefe, there are H1gher rha11they, as Solomon faith in Eccle.fiafles; there are Angels boih good and bad, that are greater Princes than thefe. Do but think with your fe19es iioW, how little you knqw of the fiory of this World; you know much it maybe of th.e pl~)t9 and policies of the Princes of this World, but do you know thofc conflicts of Satan, thotC underminings the good Angels have agaiiifl him? Do you know the tranfadions whereby _this World is governed i ybu do nor know them; but, the day of Judgment will be a gallant day_ for that, for tberi. you w!ll have tl}e flory of all the World broke open; you w11l nor only have the fiory of all t(ie Adions of Princes, what they have done in their Bed·chambers; noi only the reafon of this petty thing, andthat.perty thing, but all ihe agitation; betweed · Angel, good and bad lhall be all made known io you. · Tlie