__ 4~34~_________ A_n_E~xpT_ll_io_n _1_t_b_e _Ep~l_e __~---- ~ The bad Angels, thefewicked Spirits that do us all the mifchief; they have Sermott plots beyond the plots of Princes, they have mtthods (as the Apofile calleth XXX!!, them,) Art beyond tbe Art of Princes, and there are tranfactions between good ~Angels beyond all what the men of the World have. The llory of this World how pleafant would it be to a man; but the llory of the World to come, my Brethren, will be far more pleafant; you lhall not only be Ear-witneffes of all, but Judges of it. The Apollle faith expreily, 1 Cor. 6, that the meanell Saint lhall judge the Angels, that is, the bad Angels jb.1/Ja/J be brought ~efore the 'Judgment Seat of Chrifl; nay, for ought I know, the good Angels lhall be brought too, to give an account of what they have done; for it is fpoken of all in general at the day of Judgment, that to himevery knre fha/J bow, both thi11gs zn HMvm, a11d things in Earth, and thi11gs tmdtr th• Earth. Now then, what a llory will the WorW produce at the latter day, tllat bath had two fuch Govern– ments run all along in it! Lafily, You fee here, when the Apolllueckoneth up the befi things that are: what are they he reckoneth up? Powers and Names, when he would reckon up the greatefi Excellencies ; ·for indeed thefe are the grcatell Excellencies, there– fore the Men of the World contend fo much after them, after Name, and Glory, and Honour, and Principality, to fubdue men; thefe are the great purfuits of the wifeO: of the Sons of Men. It is not fo much pleafure of the Body, that Fools purfue after moO:; but men of wifdom and parts purfue after Power, ahd Name, and Principality, thefe are the befl thiogs, according to roe account the Holy Ghofl himfelf maketh when he infianceth in things that are great; A good Name io better thmtgreat Riches. The Devils, they do not live upon pl.eafures of the Body, and Riches, ·and fuch things as thefe are ; but what they live upon, what they pleafe themfelves with is in having power, in fubduing Nations, r11ling Kittgs, as you faw in 'Dmtirl, ~nd to have his Name fet up; as the 'Devil was wodhipped <fOOo years in the World before our Saviour Chrifr came, what a Name·had he! Power and Name you fee are the greatefl things that are, which therefore the beO: of Creatures, good Angels and bad Angels purfue after,therefore here they are inflanced in; be cloth not mention Riches, but PritJcipatity andPower, m1d every Name that is ttamed,~c. · - SE R-