to theEPH E SIAN S. SERMON XXXIII.' E P H E S, I, zr, 22. Far above aU ·Principality and Power, imJ M ight ani Dominion, and every Name that it named, not onlj in thit world, but a!fo in that which it to come. And hatb put aU thingt under hit feet, &c. THefe words do fet forth. uino tis, and proclaim the Suprimiacy of our Lord Jefus Chriil, the King of Kings, over all Perfons, by what names ' or titles foever di!linguilhed and dignified, in all God's Dominions, be: longing either hi this world, or the world to come. . , His Kingly dignity is fet forth unto us fir!l (or the fub!lance of it; by that ufual Metaphor ofjitti?Jg at God's rzght ha?Jd, This in the zothverfe. In ibis zrth verfe, as likewife in the beginning of the zzth you have the Am: plilicarion 1 or an enlarged Explication of it; · . . . Fir!l, By thefubllmity of the condition he is enlted uino ; he faith, it is not onlya6ove, butf ar a6ovr. And that, . . ~ecdndly, Amplified by the quality and dignity of the Perfons above whom hers thus far advanced, Prtnetpalttlfs mzdPowers, ~c. .And becaufe all par– ticulars of Power in this wbrld and the world to come, could not be,men~ioned nor rehe,arfed ; therefore to be fure to take in_all, he addeth this general, Every Name that is 11amed. Thirdly, It is fet forth unto us by the extent of this his advancement, of his Dominion and Sovereigiuy both of place and time, thu worldand the world to come, in all Ages and iri all God's Dominions. . . . Fourthly, By the lownefs of the fubjeCl:ion of all thcfe P i-i11cipa!ities; and whatfoeverelle, unto him; Theyareti?Jdo·hufeet; , Laf\ly, By theunivtrfality of all this; It is f ar a6ove alJ, mzd bath put all things nuder hisfeet. So yo)i have the divifton of thi:fe words, in the 11th; and in the fir!l part of the 22th verfe. I have difpatched Flrfi, What is meant by jitti11g at God;s right ht111d: And, . Secondly, I have gone over two Heads of the amplification of thiS Exa1tatiori of Chri!l. Fir!l, The fubliniity of his condition perfonally Far a6cvt. . Secon4ly, I have opened to you ,the quality of ~hefe Perfons whom he is fei: over ; A11gels; good and bad, and Magiflrates in this wO:tld, wharfoever the)'" be. I llicwed you, that by Prilzcipalities atJd Powei-; M1ght rmd 'Domi1tioll, he would include all ~orts wlmfoever, That all tliefe ihrce were called by thefe, Names, I bperied; hkewifc, what was meant byevny N ame in this world,rmd the world to come; K k k sa 435 ~ & rmon XXXIIf. ~