Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

to the EPHE S I AN S. 437 Then the Second Interpretation is t~is, That this phrafe lhould note out the~ duration of Chrif\'s Kingdom, that It Is for ever 10 all Ages. to come whatSermon {oever. It is a phrafe the Scnpture often ufeth to exprefs Eternay, as Ma1t.12. XXXIII. 3 2 . Their fius )ball 110t 6e (orgivm 11either i1t thts 'ilJOrld, nor in theworld~ to come that is Never. As 10 Rev. 20. 1 o. there are two 1\vers put, one Ever for this ~orld, a'nd·the otherEver for the world to come; .They /ball 6e fut;ijhed forever audevrr, for ever m tillS world, and for ever 10 the world to come. And that it noted! out Eternay there Is that hkew1fe I quoted e.ven now; Luk, 18.3o. !11 the worldto come etert;al life. Therefore that place lfai. g. 6;. which we tranilate (and nghtiy) Ettmal Father, or Father of Etermty, the &pt 11 aginl reads, the F:llher of the World to come. . . Chrifl's Kingdom (to back this InterpretatiOn alfo ), IS faJd t~ be for ewr, Lttk. r. 33· faith the Angel to Mary, fpeakmg of Chnfi s Kmgdom .; The Lord fb,t!lgtve him tbt Throue of hts Father 'D,Ivtd, a11d he jha!trognforever, not for one Ever, but for all E"ers. And that he meaneth Etermty, he addeth, Andof hts Ki11gdom thert fbatl6e tJo md; having indeed relation to that in Ijai, 9· 7· where he faith, Of his Ptace a11d Governmmt there /halt 6t 110 e1Jd. . And fo I find fame that bring that place Heb.I0.12: After he had purged away o11rji11s, for tver.he fatt dowiJ 011 the right hmtd of' the Majtjly on h1gh. They alledge that place for his !itti11g at God's right htmdfor ever, not only in this world, but in the world to come. Although I think there is never a place of Scripture where I find that he fitteth for ever at God's right hand, in the fenfe the Article of the Creed hath<it. And [f•r ever J there feemeth to refer to [After he had offered 11p o11e ojjerillgforfin for ever;] for he faith iri the Verfe before, that their Sacri(icescou!d11ot take away{i11, never made an end of them; but they returned again; But he (faith he) by oHt Sacrifice took away ji1Js for ever. So that [for ever J. referr~th rath<;r to that, than tojilti1ig 011 God's r(~ht ha11d; and verfe I+ confirmeth tt hkewtfe, where he fmh, Ht hath ptrftlltd for 'ever them that artfan{fijitd• . Now, againfi this Interpretation i will give you the Objections, and th~· R.efolutions, for I cannot pafs overrhem. The Objections are thefe. . . . . If his meaning were this, that he /itttth on God's •·ight ba11d, abov~ all Priu:. ~ipalities a11dPowrrs forever: Then there is this Objection; That there are no Pri11cipalities and Powers for ever that Chrifi fliould lit over; for tile truth is,when this World cndeth,there will be an end of all Principalities and Powers. You have an exprefs place for it, 1 Cor. I 5'· 24. Thm comtth the end, whm he jha!! have delivered up tht Ki11gdom to God the Father, whw he/halt have pttt dow11 all Rt<le, and all AuthorityandPower. How then can it be faid, Hefit" teth 011 God's right handover all Principalities and Powers in this world, and the world to come? (taking it in this fenfe, [for ever.]) There are but two things to help this Objectioni . The Firfl is this, That though there be no Principalities and Powers for ever; but R.ule ceafeth (as it is certain they do) both of good Angels and bad, and Mag1arates and Men; yet there are feveral Names, .fcveral Dignities and Excel" lenc1es (as I fltewed you the word [Names] implieth,) that are in this world, and the world to come. And fo irt that fenfe it is true, that he is for tver "" God's right hand, above all names that are 11amed i11 this wbrld, and the world to come. .Then the Second thing that firenghneth this Objection is this, The Apofile f11eaks by way of fuppolition (as it were); .as in that other fpeech of our Sa• vmurs, Their jiJJS /hat! no( 6eforgiven in this world, nor itt tbe world to come; lt is .nor as if there were forgivenefs of lins in the wotld to come; but hio ffiJaning is, luppofe there would be forgivenefs then, they lhould ncl{,cr be for• 1,\ven : So fuppofe never fo many Names, or 'fri11cip.~lttes or J'o·wers in rhi$ world, or the \Vorld to come, he is over them all; . K kl~ i But