Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v1

An Expojition of the Epiflle ~ But then there is a Second Objection, and that is this; That in the fame I Co~. Sermoll 15.24· it is faid thus, T!muometh tht tnd, when ht jha/J havt de!ivertd NP tht XXXlll. Kwgdom to God the Fatht~; and verfe 25. He mufl .rog" ttll he hath put a/J hi< ~ E 11 emits unde~ his[ut: And whw a/J thJHgs are fubdutd unto h1m, thw /baiJ the Son alfo 6e jubjdh11to him that put allthi11gs under him, that God may be aft in all; fo faith verfe 28. Here is now a worfe Objection againfl this Interpretation of the phrafe , in thi< World, andthe World to come. And indeed and in truth I find great Inter– preters, both upon this place and the other, to confine and determine the phrafe ef jitti11g 011 God's right hand, to end after the day of Judgment, when he giveth11p his Ki11gdom to his Fathe~. And the reafon·is this, becaufe it is evi– dent that the Apoflle quoteth that which he faith I Cor.I 5· 25. He mufl~elgn till ht bath put aiJ his Enemits 1mder his feet, out of Pjal, IJ0,1. Sit thou on mJ right ha11d till I make thint E11emies thy footjlool. They interpret that reigning (which he mufl then gtve up to h1s Father) by that fittmg menuoned there. There is this will help that likewife. That the word [Vnt:l] cloth not note out that then he fhall not reign; for the word is not alwaies interpreted exclufively, to exclude the time alter; but inclufively to include all the time before, whereof there might be a doubt, whe– ther he reigned or no, becaufe he had fo many Enemies. Alter the day of Judg– ment he fhall have none; but tbere might ae this doubt, whether be reigned yea or no till then, becaufe his Enemies were fo many, and fo flrong. So we find the word ufed 2 Sam.6. 2 3. where it is f!id, Micbat had no Child untiltht dqy of her death; it is not, as if Jhe had any afterward. It is taken therefore for an undetermined time. But yet there is this flill will take away that; That it is plainly faid, he cloth give 11p th~ Ki11gdom to God, and likewife that thenChrifl /ballot Ju6jef! unto h1m. Thus perplexed you fee is the opening of thefe words, and there mufl be fame pains to refolve this doubt. · The befi reconciliation which I !hall give you, fhall be in thefe few dillincti– ons, which (I fuppofe) will clear to you in what fenfc Chrifi bath a Kingdom, and indeedfitteth on God's right hm:dfor ever, and in what fenfehe givtth up the Ki11gdom to the Father, The firll diflinction I give you is this; There is a Natural Kingdom due to Jefus Chrifl as he is God, yea, and by Natural Inheritance is due to him being Man, as joyned to the Godhead, for he inheriteth the priviledges of the Second Perfon, Of this Natural Kingdom, founded upon his beicg the SotJ of God, which the Apo!\le to the Htbrtws, Chap. 1, verfe 4· faith he, he bath o6taintd6y lt~htritallce; he faith verfe8. But 11nto tht So11 hefaith, Thy Thront 0 God i; for ever atJd ever. And though the right of lt is devolved meerly becaufe he is God, yet it is by Inheritance; being the Natural Son of God it is his Natural Inheritance, therefore he is(as it were)injoynt Commiffion for ever with God, as he is God and Man, This natural Dominion therefore over a/J thi11gs, (for all things were made by him and for him, be they what they will, whether Principalities or Powers , or whatfoever tlfe,) this right remaineth for ever, that's certain. And according!y many of thofe priviledges, which I interpreted to be under· fiood by hisfittit~g on God's right hand, niufllikewife remain: As firfl, Fwlnefs of Joy; (At tby right ba11d u julnrfs of joyfor ever)fo he is at God's right hand for ever, for he doth enjoy (the Manhood doth) a fultufs of .'1oy immediately in God himfelf, and this for ever. And Secondly, All that Perfonal Honour and Glory, and glorious Authority which he was filled with, which he was crowned with indeed when he came firfl to Heaven. All thefe remain to eternity likewife, and they are a natural due to him,' though beflowed actually, then, when he came up to Heaven. And he is thus in Commiffion with his father likewife (fa far as Natural Rule goeth) as a Natural Inheritance to him, though lefs than his Father, as he is God-Man. But